Chapter 2 - 'For he was a stunning mystery'/4:45 am

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Hell-uh.Thank you so much for the reads <3 Y'all are great.Keep reading,please.Which POV do you like better,which do you think I should use more often?Do you like the mixed poetry here and there?

disclaimer:the poem I used is by Christoper Pointdexter and I adapted it from she to he.

Enjoy,and leave me a comment telling me what I should add/change/keep,please.


It's 4:45 am and I am thinking about you,still.Don't ever assume I'm not thinking about you.Thinking about how you are alone,in your sheets,and I am here imagining your kisses putting smiles on my lips.There are times I could swear the little crinkles your eyes make when they smile could end wars.But I am here,and you are there,and my only wish at this late hour is to be the air that fills your lungs.

But you are sleeping.Sweet dreams.

Scott's POV

Somewhere along those months,Mitch became Scott's best friend.

He didn't know how it happened -he just knew it was so easy being with him,like walking,or breathing.They completed each other -when he inhaled,he exhaled,when he laughed,Mitch laughed with him.Mitch still spent his nights out,leaving Scott behind -but this time he had something to occupy his foggy mind aside from counting stars.He would simply contemplate Mitch and try to put together the pieces he shared here and there during theyr conversations.

For he was a stunning mystery.Scott had this verse stuck in his head for days -he couldn't remember where it was from,but he always murmured it,like a mantra.Every morning Mitch would wake earlier than usual to watch Spongebob with Scott and drink coffee together -it was theyr little ritual and with time,Scott discovered that was his favorite time of the day.

One day,whilst making coffee for both of them,Scott started humming the verse on a melody he improvised.He was frustrated he couldn't remember it's source,so he just started singing his own lyrics,softly,careful not to wake Mitch.

"He was the ocean,And I was just a boy/Who loved the waves but was completely terrified to swim .. For he was a stunning mystery"

Scot finished slowly and was about to wake Mitch,when he felt two hands on his back.Frozen,he closed his eyes for a second and allowed himself to melt into the touch.Before realizing what he was doing,it was gone.

"You can sing,Scott.How come you never told me you can sing?" the brunette said,half-asleep,rough voice and everything.Scott turned around and it took everything in him not pull his friend into a comforting hug - he looked out of this world with his hair all messed up and puffy eyes.It was adorable.

"You wrote that?" asked Mitch,sitting on a stool and drinking his coffee.Interest sparked in his eyes,as he smiled satisfied after taking a gulp of his drink.

"Well,yeah.It's not finished,it's more of a poem,sorry if I woke you up and-"

"It was a lovely way to wake up.Show me when you finish,please." Scott blushed and looked down.He was sure his roommate was just being  polite,his voice probably not beginning to compare to the brunette's.

That night Mitch went out again,but instead of the usual goodbye-wave he hugged Scott really tight.It was fast,but it left him staring into blank,surprised at the shock of electricity that went through his body.It felt warm,but a good kind of warm - as he was hugging him,he couldn't help but think that even if they were glued together into the tightest hug there is,he would still feel the urge to whisper 'Come closer'.

He hoped one day Mitch would not get out the door at 9 pm and instead would get into his pajamas and watch movies with Scott all night.He laughed at his silly hope and as soon as Mitch closed the door behind him that night,he sat down in front of the window and started writing -he now had his poem traced clearly in his mind.But he wouldn't admit the hug is what made it so clear and easy to finish.

Mitch was his first best friend,at the thought of losing him crushed his very being.Although they didn't spent that much time together,he cherished every little minute with him.He remembered the first time he made Mitch laugh as the first time his heart wanted to escape from his chest,over-bursting with joy.

He felt incredibly silly being so attached to him and knowing that probably Mitch just saw him as a random roommate,so he put all of his emotions into writing.The words seemed to flow up from somewhere inside him -he didn't know what it was,so he just went it.

As the sunrise drew in he realized he actually missed Mitch - and to be honest,it hurt.

Mitch's POV

It was about 6 am when Mitch got home,stumbling over his own shoes,still a bit tipsy from last night.He laughed at his own clumsiness and walked across the apartment with his shoes in his right hand and his cat,Wyatt,in the other.He lost the count of champagne bottles at 3 - after that it was all a drunken blur,but he vaguely remembered falling asleep in a mansion balcony with his legs intertwined with a complete stranger's.He got merely 2 hours of sleep before returning home,with an annoying ball of guilt in his stomach.This never happened to him before Scott moved in,but now it hurt him  a bit to leave the poor blonde behind,staring into the ceiling all night.

But Scott didn't deserve the kind of destruction Mitch was inflicting upon himself,so he just played it cool and went about with his life.As he was walking towards his room a note on the fridge caught his attention.It was Scott's handwriting.

"I admit,

I was afraid

to love.

Not just love

but love him.

For he was a stunning mystery.

He carried things

 deep inside him that no one has yet to understand,

and I,

I was afraid to fail,

like the others.

He was the ocean,

and I was just a boy

who loved the waves

but was completely

terrified to


Mitch stood there,not knowing what to say,or think,or do.Scott could write - his poem was beautiful,but it gave a strange sensation to Mitch,some sort of butterflies,some sort of worry.

And jealousy.He was most definitely jealous.Who was the muse behind Scott's creation?How did that person get so deep beneath his skin that he made his roommate write such passionate words?

Wait,what.Jealousy? Mitch shook his head.No,it was still there,loud and clear.It was like a punch in the stomach.He hated  complicating things - so instead of standing there and thinking about what exactly was he jealous about,he went to sleep,pulling his covers above his head and shutting the world out.

He was standing on the thin life between awareness and sleep when it hit him -What if the poem was for him?

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