Chapter 1 - Rooftop/2:30 am

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Heey.You might think I have no life for posting an update so soon -and yes,I am grateful for the 17 reads.Im only getting started so bare with me,will you?I wanted to do something different from the "Friends since high-school" thing.

*at every beginning of a chapter there will be a random note Scott wrote for Mitch during one of his insomniac nights.So far,he just keeps them hidden.

Enjoy,please leave an opinion if you have so time <3


It's 2:30 am and I am walking around our apartment again,counting the shades of auburn in your eyes -I am up to 25.Earlier I counted 200 stars and I tried to gather some sleep from them but they wouldn't share any.I almost cried at the thought that Im doing all this in our apartment,the only thing we share when actually,if it were up to me,you would have my everything,because you are my everything.

But you are sleeping.Sweet dreams."

Scott POV

It hadn' always been like this.Scott moved in that flat 2 months ago,not knowing anything in particular about his new roomate.They spoke on the phone once or twice but not once had the blonde seen this 'Mitch'.

It was quite weird to live somewhere for almost a week now and not see him at all.But they were like the sun and the moon - Mitch was infamous for his party life,wasting all his money on clubs and spending nights in luxury upstate apartments with models or other singers.He would leave when Scott was stil at work,and while he was out doing gigs,partying or kissing strangers, his roomate paced the apartament from one end to another.

The only interaction they had was Scott hearing a light snore from Mitch's room.

The brunette always left little notes on the fridge for Scott,things like 'I hope you have a great day' or 'Hope we can catch up sometime soon;I'm just so busy,u know ;)?' -things that made Scott smile .In return,he always left fresh coffee for when his roomate woke up.

It was the 7th day since Scott moved there and the note he found that morning was interesting in particular 'Finally gonna meet eachother,roomate ;). 9 pm,rooftop,bring two cups'

Scott went about with his day,not thinking much about it.To be honest,he was attracted by both the mystery and the humour of the situation.He got home earlier that day from the guitar shop.

He eagerly grabbed two red plastic cups and climbed the stairs to the rooftop - night drew over the  twinkling city and it was  gorgeous.Just as the boy who turned around when he spoke a soft 'Hello?'

'Oh my.Is this my roomate?' Scot thought.He was  startled by the boy before him -he was all piercing eyes , gold sun clinging to his soft skin and leaving Scott a little out of breath,a little lost for words because really,it was all .. intimidating. Too pretty for this to end well,he concluded

"Here's the man I've been sharing my fridge with for the last week.I was beginning to think you were a unicorn of some sort." the brunette chirped cheerfully as he invited Scott to sit down on the blanket he arranged near the edge of the building.There was no hesitation in his quick manner,and he held himself with a cheerful confidence.Scott couldn't help but stare in awe a little.

"We have quite the beautiful view" He said shyly,feeling uncomfortable.What was he doing being with his roomate - who looked like a model of some sort - on a roof ,looking like an idiot with his cups.

"Indeed I do" giggled Mitch,gazing at Scott,his mouth almost open and eyes wide.Scott noticed the dilated pupils and the arch of his eyebrow,and  sensed the slight flirt, but he chose to let it slide -he was already distracted by the amazing view and the pretty boy.However, he was pleased at the thought he gave off a good first impression -it was really hard to fight the other boy for it,considering how attractive he was and all.

"Before we begin a good old fashioned round of 21 questions,here " Mitch pulled out a bottle of champagne."To us" he said as he popped it open,making a festive sound.

"I tend to think of alchohol as the best appetizer.And conversation starter." The boy added,laughing at no one in particular,chewing on his lower lip.Scott definitely needed alcohol now.

They both drank their champagne and after exchanging basic information ,Scott's tongue itched to ask the question he really wanted answered - were the rumors about Mitch true,was he really the player everyone described him as,where did he go when he was out all night,etc.

But of course he didnt.

They laughed for 2 wonderful hours, and Scott told Mitch about his insomnia,receiving a sympathetic smile.In return Mitch told him about his career and the shows he did in different clubs and cafes with his friend,Kirstie.

Mitch's fabulous nightlife put Scott's existence to shame(seeing as he didn't have any exciting stories to share)so now only Mitch's voice resonated in the cold night air,telling stories about his drunken nights and making Scott's stomach muscles ache from all the laughing.

By the time all the stars unraveled above them like a giant map,there wasn't a single drop of champagne left and sometime between the whispers,the giggles and jokes Scott caught himself extremly close to his roomate -their hands almost touching.Worringly close.

"What do you think love is,Scott?" The question shoots through the air unexpectedly,and Scott is perplexed by Mitch's choice of conversation only 2 hours after they have met.However,he tries to answer - Mitch beats him to it,the corner of his mouths tuging upwards.

"I,uhm.." The blonde mumbles,confused.

"I think love is this.. how do I put it,this realisation your body has that you never really knew love until it smiled at you for the very first time .Like they smile,and you just know."

There isn't much else to say,so Mitch is content watching the lights of the city far away.

After a long,silent pause,Scott adds simply.

"Well,I think love is an insomniatic preffering the other person's company over  sleep.

Or something"

Mitch suddenly fell silent and they shared a long gaze - time stopped around them and for a second,they forgot about the world they had left on the ground.It was this wonderful feeling,the kind you get deep in your gut, crackling through every part of you.The feeling of being completly swept in the moment, a bubble of air and isolation from the others,a pause buton for life.

"Mitch.." the blonde's voice cracked a bit as he fidgeted with his fingers and bit his lip,anxious.He looked around - it was one of his favourite times of night,when the sky is both light and dark,and there is this clear,cold silence in the air.

"Why are you always gone at night and ,um, party so much?I mean,Its not my place to ask but like "

"Sht - the brunette's tongue tangled in his mouth and he giggled."Don't worry,I'll tell you.You see,babe,most of us are trying to destroy ourselves anyway ,so I choose the funnest way."

Scott couldnt help but feel giddish at the pet name he had been called.However, he looked with saddness at Mitch- he didnt expect that answer.Mitch returned a genuine smile and ruffled the blonde's hair.He then procedeed to take out a cigarette pack out of his bag and light one up - the tip of it shining in the pitch dark like a ferry light.

Another question rolled on Scott's tongue "But why?"

But then Mitch's mobile rang.

And rang.

It was Pier,or Josh as Mitch later said "I always get those two mixed up." Scott was reminded of the contrast of both lifestyles and personalities between them - the sun and the moon comparation he developed.Now that a third voice could be heard from the other side of the phone,the honks of the car bellow sounded louder,and Scott just wanted to be alone with his notebooks.

Really,he just wanted their moment back.

And that is how Scott met Mitch,who left nothing in Scott's life as he found it,who crumbled all his walls down and who made the subject of thinking for Scott for many,many white nights from there on out.

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