Chapter 15 - Night of truth Part II

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Hey,here it is.Part 2.It's really late so sorry for all the spelling mistakes,I;m sure there are a lot.I will correct them.

I made a playlist for Sleepless storm-this is the music that inspires me and that I listen to when I write.Check it out,please

Please let me know what you think .Comments? Enjoy

Mitch's POV

Mitch was standing on the thin line between having a panic attack or fainting.He instantly turned to Kirstie and mouthed "Scott.Get Scott out." But she was already hyperventilating and looked like she was going to have a panic attack of her own,so he signaled Lindsey to take her outside.Before Aaron eventually got through the crowd and to their table Mitch turned to Scott and said the most heartbreaking tone "I'm sorry,I'm really sorry for this.I told you you deserved better.I won't blame you."

Mitch didn't get the chance to explain himself.Before he knew it,Aaron came behind Scott and wrapped an arm around him.Scott was surprised,but seemed excited of him being there,and that shot like a bullet through Mitch's heart."I didn't know you were in town.Hi,how are you?"

Small talk.Scott was making small talk with Aaron,who no longer seemed furious,but instead had an incredibly mean look in his eyes."Oh,I'm excellent.I saw you guys and I thought I'd come by and say hi." Was he going to leave them alone?Mitch almost sighed in relief.

"Of course,I have a word with Mitch.You might want to hear all of this actually."There it was.Mitch felt trapped.Kirstie was drunk and in no position to help him.Scott was blisfully unaware of the situation,and so were the other guys.He tried his best to look content and sure of himself and spoke in an icy tone "Aaron,don't make a scene.If we need to 'talk',let's take it outside."

He hoped he came off as confident,because he sure as hell wasn't.He didn't know too much about self defense,but  if getting beaten was the price he had to pay to get him to shut up,he would pay it.Surprisingly,Aaron nodded with a smug smile and headed for the exit.Mitch didn't even throw a glance at Scott's expression -he was afraid of what he would find there.

As soon as they stepped outside,in the parking lot of the cafe,Mitch felt the burn of a slap across his face.He knew there would be more than a slap.He was grateful the physical pain distracted him from the throbbing inside his heart though.

"You just don't seem to get it,you twink,do you? I told you already,BACK OFF.I can make your life hell" Aaron pushed Mitch and stood with his fists clenched,close to the brunette's face.

"Go to hell.He doesn't love you,why do you even try." Mitch replied,backing away,slowly.The response only got him a kick in the stomach that made him want to lie down in pain.His eyes were welling up with tears but he didn't want to start crying in front of Aaron.He knew that if Aaron wanted,he could kill him right there.

But he didn't stop there.Mitch now laid on the floor,praying it was going to be over soon.Aaron kept kicking and punching him until the brunette couldn't breathe anymore-Mitch didn't make one sound-Aaron was smart so he only punched where he knew the bruises wouldn't be obvious.

Mitch stood there,on the cold concrete floor,cheeks stained with tears,feeling as if he would pass out at any moment from the pain,when he heard a voice from the other side of the parking lot.But not any voice.Scott's voice."Hello?You two there?"

He whispered "No" to himself before Aaron started pulling him up."Get up,you twat.Not a word,or you're dead."Somehow,Mitch managed to get up on two feet.He considered staying on the floor and dying too,because at this point having Scott hate and leave him was worse than disappearing for good.

"Is everything ok?What is taking so long?" Scott gave them both a funny look.Mitch was lucky to have a wall nearby he could lean on,or else there were little chances he could stand up straight."Everything is ok with me Scott,but I wonder if you really know the person you so-call your 'boyfriend'" Aaron spoke,pointing to Mitch as if he was the scum of the earth.

"What do you mean?Mitch?" The brunette could barely say a word,his entire chest felt like it snapped in half.He let out a forced,raspy "Please,don't." and coughed.

"See,he's begging me not to tell you.He's hiding from you.Is that the kind of person you want to be with?" Mitch wanted to disappear,he felt too fragile.He couldn't move,or speak for himself,and he just watched things unravel before him,hopeless."N-no."

"Go ahead,Mitchie,tell him where you were before Scott met you.Tell him,or I will."

Scott looked at Mitch,and in that moment,the brunette felt contempt with the thought of dying.Of finding the nearest tall building and jumping over the edge into nothing."Hospital." was all he was able to mutter.His eyes were teared up and he covered his face with his hands.

"He was in a fucking mental hospital,Scott.You are dating a crazy person.I'm sure he hasn't bothered to tell you any of this,but I did some research for you.Has he told you about being admitted for 4 months?Have you told him about the voices you hear,Mitchie? That's what I thought.I'm sure he's the same,he's just gotten good at pretending,haven't you?The voices are still there,right,Mitch?"

Scott tried to look at Mitch,but he didn't return his glance.He was simply looking down,his eyes completely empty,clear streams of tears pouring from them.His face was red from crying.Scott was desperate for somehow of response from Mitch.He simply didn't look like he was with them.

It wasn't over yet.That thought only made Mitch cry harder,gasping for air,every muscle of his chest burning.Aaron wouldn't let him get away only with that,he was sure.

"You thought he was always a fabulous singer,living an expensive life?Has he told you where he got all his money?" Mitch's shoulders shook from the sobs - before Aaron started talking again,not losing his smug smile,he managed to let out a few words.He knew the truth would come out anyway.

"Sex.I used to have sex with people for money."

"He was a manwhore!'Aaron yelled"He was a fucking manwhore.I'm sure you don't know about the businesses him and his buddy Josh used to do either,right?The way they split the money?The drugs,all those expensive clubs?" 

"Mitch,is any of this true?" Scott's tone didn't have any traces of anger in them.Just plain shock."Is he.. is he speaking the truth?"


Scott's shoulders dropped and his eyes widened,as he gasped.

There it was.Mitch's entire heart,ripped apart in every way possible,on display for everyone to see.For Scott to see the truly horrible person he was.Now that he had a clear view of every bit of it,he was sure he would never come back to him.

So,he gathered every ounce of strength left in him.And as painful as it was,he started running.

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