Chapter 8 - Hesitation/5:49 am

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Heyyy.So,here is the new chapter.It was heartbreaking writing it,I just want them to be happy too,y'know-it's just not so simple.Also,new character,sorry if having to explain his history was a bit boring,but I wanted you to know a bit about Scott's past.

So the votes and the comments are normal but the reads are rising like crazy,thank you so much <3 *1569,5th may

For this chapter I'm hoping for lots of opinions and comments,if you are kind.Enjoy,tell me what you think. 


It's 5:49 am.I never meant to depend on you - I promised myself I'd never do this again.But now we sleep in cold beds and I realize I wanted so bad to at least be the morning sun waking you up that I ended up being just a light bulb you can choose to switch on or off whenever you desire - you  gave me nothing but a constant desire of you showing me I am something to you.

But you are sleeping.Sweet dreams.

Scott's POV

Aaron.Of all the people in this world,he had to be there,a glimmer in his mesmerizing green eyes -Scott used to write poems about them,so he could recognize them anywhere,they used to be his only reason to wake up- and a determined look.He was a bit taller than Scott and was tatted up,wearing his usual skinny jeans -Scott noticed he was just as attractive as before,as if he just finished a photo shoot.He was a model,after all.

He analyzed Scott from head to toe and licked his lips,staring him right in the eye -Scott didn't know where he got the nerve.A sharp,clear pain went through his heart as the presence he once loved so much now only brought memories of terrifying nights of running away from the police and kissing in shady bars,doing everything Aaron asked him to.

Aaron was the reason he ran away to L.A and moved in a random apartment.One year ago,after a tumultuous relationship Scott put all his energy and time,Aaron finally showed him the dangerous business he was involved in,transporting drugs from San Francisco to New York.Things got bad and one night they were almost caught.As Scott was laying on the floor of his car,being too scared to even breath because he heard gunshots piercing the air above him,he realized that although he loved Aaron very much,he had to get out of this business.

But Aaron beat him to it - 3 days after picking up the money for that transport he cleared out the apartment he and Scott shared and left,with absolutely no explanation.Scott just came home one day to find all his stuff was gone - there was no note,no new phone number,nothing.It took Scott months to pick himself up and decide to move to L.A to get over him.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Scott felt both angry and worried -he knew the kind of person Aaron was.

"I got out of prison a month ago - it took me forever to find you.I went back to San Francisco,and someone told me you moved to L.A,but you weren't there either,so I kinda just came here.One day,I saw you in the street - it was like a miracle."

Things cleared up for Scott - that's where Aaron disappeared to,he was in prison.And for some reason,he looked for him"No,I mean,what are you doing here?" Scott spoke with a cold tone.Aaron came closer to him and brushed his fingers across Scott's cheek.

"I'm here for you.I've changed Scott,I want you to give me another chance." he whispered.

Scott backed away,his eyes wide with surprise."You-you want me back?You left me! And besides I have a - " the blonde stopped in mid sentence,because he realized he didn't actually have Mitch.He wasn't his boyfriend,they weren't even dating.

"What,that little dude I saw you walking around with?I'm sorry love but he doesn't seem half as interested as you.I bet he never even told you 'I love you' once and you probably make a big deal out of every time he smiles your way."

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