Extra - The stack of letters

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I thought this would be interesting and some of you might enjoy it,it's ok if you don't want to read it or anything,if they aren't your kind of thing.Let me know which one you like best,that would be lovely.

1. Hey

It's 2:30 am and I am walking around our apartment again,counting the shades of auburn in your eyes -I am up to 25.Earlier I counted 200 stars and I tried to gather some sleep from them but they wouldn't share any.I almost cried at the thought that Im doing all this in our apartment,the only thing we share when actually,if it were up to me,you would have my everything,because you are my everything.

But you are sleeping.Sweet dreams.

2. Hey

It's 4:45 am and I am thinking about you,still.Don't ever assume I'm not thinking about you.Thinking about how you are alone,in your sheets,and I am here imagining your kisses putting smiles on my lips.There are times I could swear the little crinkles your eyes make when they smile could end wars.But I am here,and you are there,and my only wish at this late hour is to be the air that fills your lungs.

But you are sleeping.Sweet dreams.

3. Hey

It's 3:26 am and here I am ,wishing I'd woken up up to see the vague outline of your body lying next to me on the bed,your chest rising in a peaceful rhythm as you inhale and exhale.My only wish in this world is laying my head on your chest and drifting away to the sound of your beating heart - but it's 3:30 am now and I come back to the reality that you're not mine and I don't sleep,I just dream.

But you are sleeping.Sweet dreams.

4. Hey

It's 5 am- I am sitting here while the city is spinning around me and I just realized that if I'd known "goodnight" really meant "goodbye" I guess I would have tried to kiss you a little longer that night.There are 5 storeys between my feet and the concrete,on which I could so easily smash right now,giving my last breath -don't worry,that would be for you too,just like everything else I do.

But you are sleeping.Sweet dreams.

5. Hey

It's 1:20 am and I wanted to let you know that back then,I didn't know how to say it when it was the right time -my voice cracked and I started crying because the only way I could tell you how in love I am would've been by having your lips against mine and you remembering it all,too -so I stopped myself because while you are a whole galaxy,I am barely a crack in the pavement.

But you are sleeping.Sweet dreams.

6. Hey

It's 4:40 am and I'm roaming the dark streets -I've never felt more alone and scared.The place in my pocket where your warm hand was supposed to be,locked with mine,now rests a cigarette that is supposed to fill this incredible gap you left in my heart - you're missing from me,because you are a part of me.

But you are sleeping.Sweet dreams.

7. Hey

It is 3:37 am.Tonight I said I'll drink until my blood turned into alcohol,and I would forget your name.I ended up forgetting mine first.

But you are sleeping.Sweet dreams.

8. Hey

It's 5:49 am.I never meant to depend on you - I promised myself I'd never do this again.But now we sleep in cold beds and I realize I wanted so bad to at least be the morning sun waking you up that I ended up being just a light bulb you can choose to switch on or off whenever you desire - you  gave me nothing but a constant desire of you showing me I am something to you.

But you are sleeping.Sweet dreams.

9. Hey

It's 2:50 am.Today we kissed,and honestly,I wish I could make your lungs cave everytime we kiss.I wish I could steal your breath and hold your life behind my lips,just so that you would remember me as i remember you,as a storm and not as a simple rain.

But you are sleeping.Sweet dreams.

10. Hei,

It is 6 am and I'm so tired that the only thing I can think of is how easily I can drown in your eyes.The only thing that make sense after not sleeping for so long is the fact that you are my everything and I am nothing ,you are a city and I am that flower growing out of the concrete that you stepped on because no one like you would ever look down to someone like me.

But you are sleeping.Sweet dreams.

11. Hey,

It's 4:16 am.I want to write a poem for you,one that actually makes sense.I want it to make you understand my heartbeat,just as I understand yours - because I hum along with it everytime I hear it.I want to be yours,and I want you to be mine,heartbeat and all.I w ant to write a poem that can tell you all of this and more ..and everything.

But you are sleeping.Sweet dreams.'

12. Hei

It is 12:03 and it's pouring outside.I have always loved thunderstorms,mostly because they remind me of you,or maybe because I'm barely an April shower.I hope someday soon you will kiss me like the rain kisses the earth.

But you are asleep.Sweet dreams.

13. Hei

It's 2:22 am.You slept in my bed last night and all I felt were my insides tearing me apart.I can't forget it and I can't let go -you're my favorite song and I've had you stuck in my head for so long,you became a part of my voice.

But you are sleeping.Sweet dreams.

14. Hei

It's 5:30 am.You have been a sad story to my ears for quite some time now because I could only find poetry in the warmth of your lips on my skin.I used to be able to write about the sky,about empty streets or about the thin,cold air of the night.But now it's all youyouyou

But you are sleeping.Sweet dreams.

15. Hei,

It's 3:55 am.I have always wondered if this is all a liquid dream, unsubstantial and impossible to hold onto.But then you took my hand and they fitted perfectly,and the way you looked up at me made my heart cave in,so I guess maybe this isn't a dream,maybe you're my dream.And I never,ever want to wake up.

But you are sleeping.Sweet dreams.

16. hei

It is 4:47 am and I hope that,for once,you can't sleep.So you can see how it is to have every single night transform itself in a sleepless mess of your eyes,or the way your hipbones push slightly forward when you hug me,the way you stir in your tea endlessly,or the way you..your eyes,oh god,your eyes.

But you are sleeping.Sweet dreams

17. Hei

It is 6:41 and I ran out of paper so I started writing on anything that I could find -napkins,old books,newspapers.I wrote on everything because I felt like if I don't spill the words I have accumulated about you I will not be able to think or sleep ever again,so I panicked.I calmed when I heard you sleeping in my bed and I was at peace when I lied next to you.I long for a forever of scribbled napkins.

But you are sleeping.Sweet dreams

18. Hei

It is 5:47 am and last night I added new definition to my idea of pain -  the night I saw you saying sorry for all the pills you took and all the damage was also the night I watched you drown yourself in sorrows you couldn’t live with anymore.I'm sorry for screaming swim! at you along with the others for so long,I promise to never leave you drifting away in the ocean again.

But you are sleeping.Sweet dreams.

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