Chapter 12 - Finally/12:03 a.m

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Helloo.So,I know I took a little too long to update.But this was a pretty big deal,I mean when you read it it might not seem so,but think in perspective,think about what this means to Scott.Yeah,I won't give any of it away,go ahead and read.

And when you're done,please comment and rate.(or you could rate right now,you know ;>)

Let me know what you thiiiink,pleasee.Enjoy!


It is 12:03 and it's pouring outside.I have always loved thunderstorms,mostly because they remind me of you,or maybe because I'm barely an April shower.I hope someday soon you will kiss me like the rain kisses the earth.

But you are asleep.Sweet dreams.

Mitch's POV

Mitch waited for a second before he went outside.He could see Scott yelling at Kirstie through the glass door as he felt a sharp pain shoot through his heart.He was supposed to be the one being yelled at,he was supposed to take the blame and the hurt for all of this because he deserved it.It was just his past backfiring at him.He knew his old demons would never let him have someone as good as Scott,he wasn't supposed to own such a beautiful soul for himself.

But he allowed himself,for a second,to imagine it.He allowed himself to wake up wrapped up in Scott's presence and he allowed himself the little touches and the long,deep talks ,thinking he would get away with it.Obviously,he didn't.

He knew he had to get Scott away from Aaron as soon as possible,although the blonde had every right to be extremely confused.He also knew he had to talk to Kirstie.His head hurt - it was all too much for him.He took a deep breath  and then sighed.He was sinking in faster and faster,and he couldn't quite put all the pieces together,it was all a chaos:Josh,New York,Kirstie's accident,being threatened by a drug dealer -it reminded him of highschool and the way he used to deal with these kind of situations -by destroying himself.Not that he didn't do that anymore.

Mitch rested his hand over his heart and a familiar warmth calmed him.At least he had this to go back to -his love for Scott.It was always there,and it always brought him back to sanity.It was the only thing he was sure of.It was like going home.

He went through the front doors to find Kirstie standing on the stairs, crying as silently as she could,and Scott having his back to him.

"Hey" Mitch spoke softly,looking like he was too afraid to even speak up around Scott.He turned around and his beautiful features were darkened by a frown."What on earth was that?What was he talking about,what deal?Why was Kirstie crying,why is she still.." here he cut himself off and started talking in a lower tone so Kirstie couldn't hear him."What is going on?"

"I'm sorry,you just have to trust me.We have to leave right away.I can't tell you why,we just have to."

"Why?" Scott continued asking,more and more worried about Kirstie silently sobbing on the stairs,just a few meters away."Why can't you tell me?You almost got into a fight,it looked pretty serious,if I done something to.."

"Stop!I just can't tell you!"Mitch snapped at him,raising his voice."I don't know if I can even trust you.Would you  listen for once and just do as I say."Scott's eyes went wide.He looked angry, confused,and frustrated.But most of all,he looked hurt."Fine,whatever.I will go up and pack."

Mitch regretted his words as soon as they slipped from his mouth.He didn't mean any of that,he was just eager to leave and terrified Aaron would come back to reveal all his secrets to Scott and make the blonde leave him..or whatever they had.Because he was sure Scott would've left as soon as he found out what kind of person Mitch used to be.He could  tell him the names of songs that reminded him of Scott,and books,he could  give him quotes,write him poems-he could give  him his heart on a platter,but he couldn't change his past.

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