Chapter 3 - Drunk/3:26 am

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Thank you so much for 121 reads- that is amazing <3 So to celebrate I thought I'll update again today with something slightly longer.Keep reading please - it means the world to me.

Comments would be lovely,I wouldn't mind some suggestions.Here is the song Scott was singing . Enjoy!


It's 3:26 am and here I am ,wishing I'd woken up up to see the vague outline of your body lying next to me on the bed,your chest rising in a peaceful rhythm as you inhale and exhale.My only wish in this world is laying my head on your chest and drifting away to the sound of your beating heart - but it's 3:30 am now and I come back to the reality that you're not mine and I don't sleep,I just dream.

But you are sleeping.Sweet dreams.

Scott's POV

In the little time he managed to get some sleep,which happened only in the mornings,after 5 or 6 am,Scott had vivid dreams he always remembered.They were always like memories from another life,or to be more exact -memories of things that never really happened but could've.

That was the reason 20 minutes after violently waking up from his short slumber he still sat on the edge of his bed,with his head in his hands,completely freaked out.

His dream was about Mitch.And it hit him hard - he always trusted his sub-conscious because he was certain that after so many years of being under-slept all the time,it used what time he had carefully.

They were on a rooftop somewhere and at first,Scott couldn't hear what they were saying.They seemed to be arguing.As if a volume button was pressed,he could suddenly hear.Mitch looked desperate to convince the blonde of something.He was almost pounding his little fists in Scott's chest and they were looking each other dead in the eye.The brunette looked like he was about to cry and you couldn't hear anything except their voices - it was the familiar feeling Scott got around his best friend,as if the world was shut down around them and they were the only ones there.

" .. but why don't you believe me already?I don't want to break your heart,I'm not tricking you,this is not a joke-" Mitch almost screamed at the blonde.

"Breaking my heart would be like throwing rocks at your own glass home anyway" Scott softly said with sorrow in his voice.

"You!" Mitch exclaimed,pointing a finger into the other's chest."You and your goddamn words and your blue eyes and your everything,why won' you believe me?You are driving me insane!Why can't you see it already,I fuckin lo-"

Scott woke up suddenly,shivering.His sheets were soaked and patches of morning light were sprawled across his bed,warming up his skin.His heartbeat was rapid and he was almost out of breath.All he wanted in that moment was a tight embrace- he wanted Mitch.

Whenever he was around him,a blanket of peace and comfort was wrapped around him and it felt right.He wanted to be whatever Mitch needed him to be - he couldn't exactly put his finger on it,but he knew he craved him.Maybe it was because he couldn't ever have him or know him entirely,as part of him was always hidden.

Or because someone like him would never go for someone like Scott.

So his dream disappointed him a bit -he trusted his dreams to make sense and have a hidden meaning,but in this one Mitch was about to say he loves Scott,which was clearly not the case.

Everything inside him was stirred up,and he felt it wasn't  much until he was pushed from he edge he was sitting on.As days went by,he and Mitch got closer and closer and started spending more time together.Mitch went out later at night so they their evenings consisted of watching tv or just talking -he never told Scott his full story,but the blonde was there to listen to whatever he said anyway.

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