Chapter 17-Closest to heaven part I /4:47 am

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Super short and quick update,I'll update tomorrow with the next chapter.Comments would be nice <3

The lyrics I used are from a Mayday parade cover of Iris.

Don't forget to check the playlist I made for this fanfic

So,let me know what you think and enjoy!


It is 4:47 am and I hope that,for once,you can't sleep.So you can see how it is to have every single night transform itself in a sleepless mess of your eyes,or the way your hipbones push slightly forward when you hug me,the way you stir in your tea endlessly,or the way you..your eyes,oh god,your eyes.

But you are sleeping.Sweet dreams

Scott's POV

As soon as Kirstie and Scott get into the car the sky opens and it starts to pour.It's almost 4 am and there is this clarity,this coldness in the air that is so familiar to Scott.Two months ago,this would be the hour he would sit by the windows,words of Mitch pouring out of his pen,spilling all the adjectives he could think of that could describe his warmth on paper.And just a few days before this would be the hour he would lay next to Mitch,brushing his fingers in his hair while he quietly slept,rolling in Scott's arms only to come impossibly closer.

"And I'd give up forever to touch you

'Cause I know that you feel me somehow

You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be

And I don't want to go home right now"

He drives mechanically,he turns street over street and struggles to see the road,not sure if it's the rain that makes his vision foggy or his eyes tearing up,while Kirstie sits quietly in the passager's seat,texting and calling Mitch over and over again.The silence is palpable,and the panicked look in Kirstie's eyes nags at Scott.He eventually stops the car on the side of the road.He sighs and rests his forehead on the wheel.Rain always reminded him of Mitch - it reminded him that Mitch was a thunderstorm,loud and bold,outgoing,beautiful and unsettling,while Scott was merely an April shower.

In all fairness,everything reminded him of Mitch."I'm so tired." Scott whispered,his head resting on the cold glass of the window.In the corner of his eye he saw Kirstie fell asleep next to him,phone in her hands.She looked too exhausted to be woken up,so Scott decided to let her sleep and keep searching on his own.He suddenly put his keys back into contact and started his car,briefly remembering a place him and Mitch used to go to.

The windshield wipers aren't keeping up with the rain and Scott's hand tremble on the wheel as he drives.He eventually parks next to a narrow street that has old fashioned looking houses,stone pavement and trees everywhere.They used to go here and just sit on the steps near the trees and drink their coffee's.It was one of their favorite places because it was unique.

Scott got out of the car -he doesn't care about the rain,his entire body is shaking at this point.His heart sinks in when , three feet away,sitting on stone steps under a big willow,he sees Mitch.He has his knees brought up so he rests his face on them.

"And all I can taste is this moment

And all I can breathe is your life

And sooner or later it's over

I just don't wanna miss you tonight"

"Mitch!" Scott yells over the rain,but he doesn't seem to hear him.He runs towards the brunette-at this point he is soaking wet,but he doesn't care."Mitch!"

The brunette raises his head.For a second happiness flashes on his face,but it's gone right away and replaced with hurt,and worry.Scott's heart breaks seeing him like this.His black lock stick to his face and get into his eyes,his face is red from crying and he is shivering,looking like a stray dog.Scott takes off his jacket and puts it over Mitch's shoulders,who keeps looking down.The blonde sits besides him,but they feel miles away.Mitch looks up sadly at him and speaks softly.

"I understand if you hate me and want to move out."

That makes Scott feel as if his insides are shredding,leaving his chest breathless,snapped in half.All he can mutter is "I don't hate you.".He hates this,he doesn't even have the courage to put his arm around Mitch,he feels so fragile he could shatter.He just want him to tell him everything will be ok,that it's over now.

"I told you,I told you a hundred times.I told you I am not for you,I told you I'm not worthy of you.I told I'd hurt you,but you stayed anyway.I fell in love with you and then it fell apart.You're not mine to keep.You don't deserve my damage."

For the first time Scott raises his head and looks back at him,and it's more powerful than ever,rain pouring around them,thunder rumbling over their head.Scott's heart is aching,because all he wants to do is rush forward and scoop Mitch in his arms,but he can't.

"I don't care.Bring me your bad,your worst,your loneliest.I will kiss them each and then some more.I don't care if it hurts,I decided a long time ago I wanted you,and by that I mean everything,all of it."

"But you didn't know all of it!" Mitch yells and it takes Scott by surprise."I was torn apart in front of you by your ex,who practically yelled all my secrets in front of you after beating the shit out of me!He called me insane,and maybe that's what I am,and a manwhore,so when I say you are not mine to keep,I know what I'm talking about!When will you get it and give up"

They both breathed heavily and stared at |each other for what seemed like years.Scott's words slip off easily,but they barely make any sound."You-you want me to go?"Mitch looks away and covers his face with the back of his hands,trying his best not to cry again."It's better for you this way.."

Mitch,who dove into his heart and put all his fears to sleep,who wiped his fears clear and painted stars on all his dreams of the future.Mitch,who made his white nights bearable just by having his lips smiling against the skin of Scott's shoulder,tickling him with his laughter.Mitch,who poured warmth into the blonde's bones and made him write words ripped from his heart about him.

Scott got up and glanced Mitch one more look.The brunette couldn't even look him in the eye.So he turned around and started slowly walking towards his car.

If Mitch didn't come for him,this would be it.

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