Chapter 13 - Uncertain/2:22 am

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Hello it's really late and Im really tired I just wanted to get this up I hope It's ok sorry for the mistakes I will correct it tomorrow

Please leave me your comments <3 

love,enjoy and everything( I need sleep ) byyeeee


It's 2:22 am.You slept in my bed last night and all I felt were my insides tearing me apart.I can't forget it and I can't let go -you're my favorite song and I've had you stuck in my head for so long,you became a part of my voice.

But you are sleeping.Sweet dreams.

Scott''s pov

"Mitch I already told you I don't know where the bloody music sheets are!It's not my fault you will be late!" Scott yelled at Mitch from across the apartment.He was annoyed at how easily Mitch's head will set on fire over the silliest things.He enjoyed seeing him all worked up a bit too much,his sass at maximum levels and his high voice trying to act all serious.It was kind of adorable.That,when he wasn't being a bitch.He tried to hide his grin as he was looking for the sheets under a pile of clothes,but it didn't really work because he couldn't help it,a laugh shaking his body .

It wasn't really secret -Mitch was standing behind him,fuming."Are you laughing at me?You were the one that moved them,I can't believe you're .." Scott looked up at the brunette.He was so pretty he could cry.He gazed at him and pretended to listen to him ranting on an on about how he always moved his stuff,but in fact he was staring at his lips,gulping,mesmerized by them."Excuse me,are you even listening to me?I can't even talk to you right now,ugh." "Fine"Scott replied,trying his best to sound serious and mad."Fine!"Mitch snapped,wanting to leave and go look in his room.

But as he  tried walking he felt his wrist being grasped by a hand.He stood in place for a second,trying to bite back his grin.Scott turned him around and with one swift move,he pulled him back to him,in a way that every inch of Mitch's body was pressed against his,grip tight on his hand -he couldn't let go even if he wanted to He decided not give up so easily and melt into the blonde's arms."I'm mad at you,let me go." he spoke against Scott's shirt.

The blonde lifted Mitch's chin up with his other hand and cocked an eyebrow,his expression half serious,half amused "Make me." Mitch couldn't help but grin.There was no way he could ever stay mad at Scott.He wasn't kidding anyone -he would get weak in the knees every time the other even walked in the room.

As Mitch lifted himself up on his tiptoes to kiss  Scott the blonde couldn't help but wonder how on earth did he get so lucky to have Mitch love him.He repeated it in his head over and over-it still sounded surreal.But he could feel it on his lips,in the way he need one more kiss before letting go,he could see it in the way he looked back at him.There were parts of him that still needed reassurance and there were times at night he grew sick with anxiety over the possibility of Mitch leaving him -there was so much he didn't know.

His importance grew bigger and bigger in his life with every exhale that counted their time apart and with ever line Mitch's fingers drew across the bare skin of his stomach,at night.

At first Mitch teased him with short kisses,but at one point he just took the blonde's head in his hands and deepened the kiss,slowly backing away until they were pinned against the door of Mitch's bedroom.

Scott lifted the brunette who wrapped his arms around his torso.His lips traced little patterns on the soft skin of his neck,sucking lightly at his pulse."I thought you were mad at me." Scott whispered against his neck,biting it slightly,making sure he left marks.All he could hear in response from Mitch was a small moan as he curled his fingers into Scott's muscular back.

"I thought you were going to be late, too" Scott hummed ,grinning proudly.Now his teeth and tongue were leaving a ribbon of violet marks on Mitch's neck as he bit it upwards,making Mitch's breath heavier,his hands now tangled in Scott's hair."That can wait" Mitch muttered as he opened the door of his bedroom,shutting it closed behind them.

Mitch's POV

Mitch always knew Scot wasn't his to keep.That was the reason why he always kissed him one more time before letting go.That's why he gazed a few seconds extra and held on to his hand a little tighter than normal.

He listened so carefully to what the blonde spoke he inhaled his words.Their bodies pressed together tightly because he knew that's all he would be left with when Scott was gone.Memories.That's why he ran his fingers through Scott's hair and back to the bare skin of his stomach,cherishing every second he got to spend listening to him just exist next to him.Because in life some things are only built to break.

But trying to stop loving Scott was like trying to remember a person he'd never met.

He just hoped when the day came Scott would just wash him away like unwanted paint on his fingertips -he didn't want someone like Scott suffer over someone like him.Every second he spent near him he was terrified he would find out - he was afraid his walls would tumble down .He knew he was living a lie,it was all a big lie.It was meant to end.So as they were walking down the street to a coffee shop he held on Scott's hand a little tighter.Something disturbed their peace.

It was just for a second,but it made him froze in place.Aaron.He saw him walking through the bustling crowd -or did he? He turned around but he was no longer there.Maybe it was his mind playing tricks on him.Or maybe he came back for Scott."Fuck."

Out of instinct,Mitch pushed Scott between two buildings and shushed him,looking around for any sign of the blonde's ex.He knew he saw something -the last thing he needed was Aaron coming back for Scott and finding out the two of them were together now.

Oh no.If Aaron found out about them,there was no way it would make him leave them alone.He would be furious -and that meant everything crumbling down."What was that?"Scott looked worried.Mitch hated that he had to lie to him-again."Nothing,I just thought I saw something.I think I was imagining things."

As they walked back home again Mitch;s heart was racing.Scott tried to grab his hand,but the brunette jerked it away.He couldn't afford losing Scott over something like this.The blonde glanced him a hurt look but chose to remain silent.

It wasn't the first time Mitch avoided showing everyone he was with Scott.Nobody really knew they were now a thing - Mitch never introduced him to any of his friends and never took him out.For him it was a small price he had to pay for Scott's well being.He was constantly afraid Aaron would find out.For all he knew,he could've had people watching them.

Mitch was standing on their couch,watching Scott move around the apartment and humming to himself.He could see in his eyes he was troubled -they had a deep sadness in them and they looked like a storming sky.He hadn't said a word since their walk and Mitch began to feel extremely guilty."Are you ok?" Mitch knew it was pointless.Obviously,he was not.

Nothing.The silence was killing Mitch.He couldn't stand it anymore,and although he knew he would regret it,he pushed it."Scott?What's wrong?"

"Are you ashamed of me,Mitch?"Scott snapped,turning to look him in eye.Mitch's heart sank-what was he supposed to say?No,I;m not,but I can't have your psycho ex know about us because he is dangerous and will also shatter everything you think about me?

He had to let Scott believe whatever he wanted to.So he just looked down and picked at his fingers.

"It's ok,I have my answer." Scott spoke softly,turning his back to Mitch.He stood for a moment,with his head in his hands,and then grabbed his cigarettes and walked to the balcony,shutting the door behind him.

Mitch curled himself into a ball -at first his cried was silent,but as night drew in it turned into sobs and gasping for air,clutching the pillow and trying his best not to fall apart.He had to be strong for Scott,even if it meant lying again.

It was all hopeless anyway,Mitch thought.Scott was going to leave him.

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