Chapter 5 - Abandoned/1:20 am

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Oh my you guys 410 reads that is amaziiing <3 Thanks so so much for reading -if you like the story share it with your fellow scomiche shippers.Sorry for this being a little short,I went through a bit of a writer's block.This one is not so descriptive,for the purpose of the story it's mostly made up of dialogue.

Please comment if you enjoyed <3 


It's 1:20 am and I wanted to let you know that back then,I didn't know how to say it when it was the right time -my voice cracked and I started crying because the only way I could tell you how in love I am would've been by having your lips against mine and you remembering it all,too -so I stopped myself because while you are a whole galaxy,I am barely a crack in the pavement.

But you are sleeping.Sweet dreams.

Scott's POV

"Scott,are you there?It's almost 9 am,don't you have work?" 

No answer.

Mitch knocked again.Scott was laying in his bed,with music playing incredibly loud and he was smoking,staring blankly into the ceiling."What are you doing?" asked Mitch when he walked in,the room filled with smoke and resembling a bar."Since when do you smoke?"

"Since when do you care" Scott responded mockingly.

"How much have you smoked?"

"Like 2 packs or something."

Mitch gasped in horror and took a good look at Scott.

He was destroyed,to say the least.His eyes were red,and they had something extremely cold inside them - their light had died and now they looked like a stormy night.He felt as if his lungs were about to collapse from all the smoking and his voice was harsh and almost like a whisper.

He just didn't care about himself anymore.He spent his night smoking  non-stop,until his fingers were shaking and he couldn't even feel the smoke anymore,to the point it was almost like inhaling oxygen.He didn't sleep at all.He kept reliving the kiss in his head over and over again - he tortured himself by thinking how would it be if Mitch was his and they would spend every night wrapped up in eachother's presence.

"Come help me clean around,Kirstie is coming over".Even if Mitch looked worried,Scott wouldn't have noticed - it's not like he cared anyway.He walked around the kitchen,gathering cups and plates from the night before when,out of nowhere,he asked

"So,shouldn't we talk about what happened last night?"Mitch stopped in the middle of washing dishes and looked Scott in the eye.The room was completely silent ,and there was a long silence.

"What happened last night?

Then 3 things happened at once: the doorbell rang,Scott dropped the plate he was holding and he murmured under his breath "You've got to be kidding me"

Mitch didn't get the chance to respond because Kirstie walked in,singing "I'm hereee".Meanwhile Scot started gathering the pieces from the plate and tried to keep himself together-Kirstie was his friend too and he didn't want her to worry.

"I brought you guys Starbucks and- Scott are you ok?" she put a hand over her mouth at the sight of the blonde,who just guessed he looked worse than what he thought.

"Yeah,I'm just..I'll be right back." and with that,he ran into his room.He couldn't bare it anymore.

Mitch's POV

"What happened here?This place is like the scene of a shipwreck.Have you looked at him?He looks like he's been crying for the last 2 days non-stop." Kirstie almost yelled at Mitch.

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