Chapter 16 - Medicine/3:55 am

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Sorry this took a while.So today I passed 5000 reads <3 It felt surreal.That was my goal actually.

I kind of want to change the story cover.Any ideas for a picture?

Anyway,please rate and most importantly,comment.Love you,enjoy!

P.S flashbacks are written "like this"


It's 3:55 am.I have always wondered if this is all a liquid dream, unsubstantial and impossible to hold onto.But then you took my hand and they fitted perfectly,and the way you looked up at me made my heart cave in,so I guess maybe this isn't a dream,maybe you're my dream.And I never,ever want to wake up.

But you are sleeping.Sweet dreams.

Scott's POV

It took exactley 30 minutes for Scott to finally comprehend what happened and start falling apart.Everything he had done to this point he did it mechanically,his moves were swift but sure,his eyes lacking any emotion as the back of his hand hit Aaron,the sound of his slap echoing in the whole parking lot.He managed to keep himself composed as he texted Lindsey to make sure Kirstie was ok,he managed to stop his hands from shaking as he looked for his keys ,he managed to drive half the road home despite the pounding in his head and the swirling waves of pain.

But as some point it was all too much for him and his heart started racing in his chest painfully-he could barely breath and he felt like his lungs were about to collapse under the weight on his chest.It was all too much,there was guilt,and hurt,and worry,and even betrayal,it was a mix of everything,and it was all there,burning and drowning him at the same time -and what was even worse was the fact that it all manifested itself in flashbacks.

Scott spent the last months completely blind and quite possibly,in a complete lie.If Mitch truly loved him,he would have told him all of this.Scott should've left the moment he realized something was wrong.But instead he let himself fall in love with Mitch and now there was no way out -he had to know everything or else he was sure he was going to explode and float away into air like ash,like the remains of a fire Mitch lit under him.

Finally,the blonde got to their apartment and barged in.He didn't care it was 2 am,he was so frantic to find the whole truth for once -he came in so fast the front door hit the wall with a loud noise that echoed through the whole staircase.

"Why do you party so much?I mean,Its not my place to ask but like- 

"Sht - Don't worry,I'll tell you.You see,babe,most of us are trying to destroy ourselves anyway ,so I chose the most fun way. Mitch replied with a sad smile."

The memories went through Scott with a tearing pain.He wasn't sure what he was looking for-his eyes were teared up as he stomped around the apartment,kicking everything in his way,looking under pillows,in books,with no direction or purpose whatsoever.He didn't let himself cry - he knew he had to see it with his own eyes before falling apart.He wanted to be sure of it before he teared up in a million little pieces.

He swung Mitch's door open and went in,determined to look until he would find something to prove him wrong.But the sight of the neatly made bed,the music sheets sprawled across the floor,the smell of the room -it smelled like vanilla,and cigarettes,and Mitch,they were all intertwined with different memories,and the ache in his heart got so bad he had to stop for a minute and close his eyes.

Now he understood why Kirstie was always so protective of Mitch.Why she always gave him a second look to make sure he was ok,and why she looked damn right proud when Scott beat Josh up.

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