Chapter 4 - The balcony/5 am

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Hello guys.Thank you soso much for 230 something reads -it was awesome of you.Sorry,Im sure this one is full of mistakes,but I wrote it at 3 am in the morning.Comments would be nice and ecouraging.Stick with me,please.It's about to get dramatic all up in here,lol.

Love youu

Here is the song Scott was singing

Credits for part of the poetry: (I ll add this tomorrow).Enjoy!


It's 5 am- I am sitting here while the city is spinning around me and I just realized that if I'd known "goodnight" really meant "goodbye" I guess I would have tried to kiss you a little longer that night.There are 5 storeys between my feet and the concrete,on which I could so easily smash right now,giving my last breath -don't worry,that would be for you too,just like everything else I do.

But you are sleeping.Sweet dreams.

Scott's POV

Scott woke up that morning on the living room floor,next to Mitch.It was about 8 am and he was surprised at the amount of sleep he actually got -almost 4 and a half hours in a row,which was much more than he usually got.He just guessed that's what a ridiculous amount of wine did to somebody.

Or maybe it was his best friend.

What happened last night?

The first thing he noticed was the balcony door was slightly open - a sign that Mitch was smoking last night,which he only did when he was extremely sad or extremely drunk.The cold,crisp air of the morning made Mitch shiver in his sleep.As if it was the most normal thing to do in the world,the blonde covered his roommate with a fluffy blanket and removed a few locks of hair from his forehead,his fingers lingering in his hair a bit too much.

He then got up and stretched,sounding like a little dinosaur baby.

"That was adorable."

Scott froze.Something was off,something was changed.Whatever vague feelings he had for Mitch before,now they had transformed into this weird realization that he was the sincere happiness behind his smile and he craved him in the most innocent way,he craved whatever Mitch would give to him - even if it was only his friendship,it was totally worthy it.

"Is that coffee I smell?" Mitch said with a raspy voice from beneath the pile of blankets,bringing Scott back to reality.

Scott rolled his eyes at him and laughed "Coming right up princess"

As he was making coffee,he turned on his phone on low and started singing along with it,as he usually did.The flow of the music was relaxing,but it had something sad about it,which made him love it.

"Now you're lost

Lost in the heat of it all

You know you're lost

Lost in the thrill of it all"

"Sing that last part again".Mitch was standing behind him,having a delighted smile on his face. Scott looked amused at him,but he would've done anything for him,so he started again -this time Mitch joined him,and their voices completed each other perfectly and when they finished they both had big grins on their faces.

'Woah,we sound amazing.Have you ever considered siinging in a - wait a second.Yes,hi Josh.No,I'm not doing anything' he said as he answered his phone

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