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chapter seven: refrigerator light

Anthony hummed softly to himself as he rest his head against the window of the car, looking out at the sights that passed him, but he had been living there for eight years, so it wasn't like anything he saw was new. He was grateful to finally be done with work for the day, and to just be in the presence of Five, and who was obviously driving the car.

(because Lord knows he would never trust Anthony to do it...not after what happened to Mildred)

"Is that my cardigan?" Number Five broke the comfortable silence that they had both been sitting for the past six minutes by asking the question.

"Mhm" Anthony nodded "I took it from your closet a couple of weeks ago, and you never noticed"

"Also, I thought you were kidding when you asked if you should buy those clunky red boots?" Number Five asked from the driver's seat, glancing down at Anthony's choice of footwear with amusement. Five kept a hand on the steering wheel of the car, his other holding onto his partner's loosely.

"Of course I wasn't kidding" Anthony replied.

"Of course you weren't " Five repeated with a chuckle, lifting up their interlocked hands and kissing the back of Anthony's.

"I like them" he defended.

"They suit you" Five agreed.

Anthony looked at him "What's that supposed to mean?!" his voice basically went up an octave.

"Shut up, we're here now" Five parked his car, turning to his partner "Are you coming in or staying here?"

"Of course I'm coming! You think I'm gonna get plastered on whatever old man shit you drink? No way babe" Anthony shook his head, unbuckling his seat belt and opening the car door, hopping out.

Number Five got out after him, reaching down to grab his hand but Anthony only recoiled and pulled away in response "We can't do that, and you know that" he whispered lowly to him.

Five only reached down again, grabbing onto his partner's hand "Stop worrying about what people are going to think" he ignored the protests, and pulled the younger man into the store with him.

Anthony looked around, biting his bottom lip harshly until it began to sting and bleed, he grimaced as he tasted the familiar metallic taste in his mouth, but he only felt Five grip onto his hand tighter "You're okay, stop worrying" he assured.

He allowed the older man to pull him around the store, grabbing a cart as they filled it with a bunch of alcohol bottles (because what else would they be doing on a Friday night?) and whatever else they felt like getting.

They both stayed in the store for no more than five minutes, and soon enough they were walking back towards the car, holding a few bags in their arms, both now wearing plastic rings on their left hands.

"Did we just get married?" Anthony asked as they walked through the parking lot together.

"In a store?" Five looked over at him.

Anthony glanced down at his left hand, examining the plain blue plastic ring that they had bought for 25 cents in one of those coin machines "Seems legit to me" he shrugged.

Five chuckled "Mm, very legit" he commented sarcastically, wrapping an arm around Anthony's shoulders and pulling the younger man closer "I don't know how well this would hold up in any legal situations" he added.

"Hey, you put a ring on my finger, and I put one on yours. That's all there really is to it" Anthony joked, motioning to the green plastic ring on Five's left hand as they approached the car.

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