sixty four

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chapter sixty four: lover

"Thanks for helping me before the bachelor party, I really appreciate it," Sloane smiled as she looked up from the dress in her lap. "As you can tell we don't exactly have long before the wedding starts."

The whole thing was on such short notice, they literally had just over two hours before it was supposed to be starting, with Luther's bachelor party happening in between the preparation.

Anthony nodded, "Of course, anything I can do to help out," he shrugged, he quite liked the familial feeling of it all, and he also just really felt bad for the woman after she had lost five of her siblings in the short span of a mere week.

Another thing on his mind was the attempt to try and forget the fact that by this time tomorrow everything would be gone; the entire universe would be blitzed out and it would be as if he and his entire family had never even existed. A terrifying thought.

Death had never been something Anthony had been particularly afraid of, it was more so the idea of not knowing what came next and what he would see if he ever got to the other side. Scared of being alone in darkness for eternity, scared of never seeing the people he loved again, scared of loosing everything.

Anthony hated to admit it but there was a long period of time in his life where death seemed like the more appealing option than living; that had been a dark time, something Five had helped pull him out of and got him through it all. It was strange how fast he changed from wanting his life to be over to now sitting and silently praying for some sort of solution to fix the mess they had made.

"I am curious though, how did you learn to sew so well?" Sloane questioned as her hands moved quickly with the fabric sitting on top of her, working as fast as she possibly could in the short time.

Anthony looked over at her, momentarily stopping his moving hands."My grandmother. She practically raised me and that came with a lot of time spent sewing, knitting and playing bingo." he replied.

"Aww," Sloane cooed. "I never had a grandmother, just a robot to teach me these kind of things, but she never taught the boys any of that, just the girls, so it's really impressive how good you are."

He smiled, almost feeling bad for a moment as he realized how quickly he had forgotten about his grandmother over the past week; maybe it was the fact he had actually gotten some sort of closure this time around so that there wasn't any guilt playing on his mind, but it still felt weird nonetheless.

"It's been useful over the years," Anthony nodded, he chuckled slightly. "I've actually spent a lot of time stitching up Five, believe it or not."

He had come to the conclusion that the only way to take his mind off of everything was Five, even just thinking about him somehow made it all easier.

Sloane laughed endearingly, "Oh I can believe it. He's a bit feisty isn't he?" she asked rhetorically.

"Not exactly a word I'd think to describe him with, but yeah basically," Anthony nodded, trying to stop himself from smiling just at the mention of his lover, not wanting to act like an actual teenager who'd just gotten in their first relationship.

He was so pathetically in love.

"You two are really different," Sloane commented with a slight hum. "You're married, right?"

Anthony nodded, "Yeah for almost a year now, but it's hard to keep track with the timelines changing and all of the time travel." he explained, because he truly wasn't even sure how long it had been and was just kind of making it up as he went along.

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