fifty five

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chapter fifty five: tease

Anthony was convinced that he had never felt so happy in his entire life than he was at this exact moment in time; sitting in the backseat of the car that Klaus had stolen from the hotel, Five right next to him with Mr Pennycrumb on the other side while they stayed next to an open field of cows. It almost felt as if it wasn't real, because he wasn't even aware before that it was possible to feel such a way on a random Wednesday in April.

It was the small moments like this that served as soft reminders of how sad of a person he actually was every other day. Also on how much he had really missed out on in his life; the Commission had essentially ruined his life up until this point, when he could've been this happy all of the time. Seriously, the dopamine rushing through his brain right now was a feeling so unusual for him, which was honestly just depressing if he thought about it for too long.

Even when he thought he was happy with Five when they were both back at the Commission, or when he was in the sixties with his friends, it really wasn't even comparable to the way he felt right now. He had his happy moments wherever he went, but it never had lasted as long as it currently was, usually there was always something or someone that would come along and ruin it for him.

He knew that Five was happier too, it was obvious by the way he kept smiling like a dork and the way his face kept lighting up. The boy's whole language was also telling, he just seemed and felt a lot lighter and less tense overall.

The couple had both been waiting too long for this; too long to be able to be around each other while not having to worry about anything like the apocalypse, the Commission, the Handler, or anything else. Too many days and too many nights spent worrying and struggling that all eventually led up to this, and all that mattered right now was each other, and that was such a beautiful feeling.

Five had told him earlier that they could spend the rest of their lives together like this, and Anthony just hoped they would always stay this happy. So happy, carefree and just so entirely and sappily in love with each other that it was borderline gross to anyone else who saw, but not for reasons that he was used to, just because they were too engrossed in each other.

They had many plans and things they wanted to do in their life together that they would eventually get to, but right now the only thing on their mind was the feeling of being so close and being alone.

Anthony had had a lot of expectations for this road-trip this morning while planning it, but making out with Five in the backseat of the car was definitely not something he had written on his bucket list earlier in the day, but ironically it was probably the thing he wanted to do the most right now.

He moaned softly as Five pushed against his body, one of his hands holding onto Anthony's knee that was propped up and the other taking its usual place behind his head, holding it up while also feeling the softness of his hair. Five pushed his own knee forward just slightly, touching his lover only barely in the right place.

Anthony kept one of his hands on the side of Five's face, the other slung over his neck and just pulling him closer then he already was. He let out a noise that could only be described as a whimper as Five suddenly grabbed his hair and tugged on it, leaning his head back and exposing his neck.

He kept his eyes closed as he could feel Five's lips dropping to his jaw, putting a few light kisses along it, his hand that had previously been on his knee now working its way down his thigh and under his shirt so that he could touch his stomach followed by his hip. "Anthony?" he asked.

"Mm?" the boy hummed, feeling as if his skin was burning at every place his husband touched.

"I love you" Five replied, and Anthony could practically see the stupid smile on his face despite the fact that he kept his eyes closed.

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