twenty seven

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chapter twenty seven: the apocalypse

Number Five could feel that familiar feeling of dread making its way way back into the bottom of his stomach, his chest felt tighter than it had only mere seconds ago and his hands began to involuntarily shake uncontrollably. He took a step back, well more like he stumbled backwards, his eyes widening as he looked at the remains of his childhood home, and it looked the exact same way it had on the day when he found his sibling's bodies in the rubble of it.

This couldn't be happening. He had stopped it. He had saved everyone. It was supposed to be over. He had stopped it. He had found the mark dead, he had saved his family and Anthony. It was supposed to be over. This wasn't supposed to be happening. Why was this happening? It couldn't be happening.

"Five?" the voice pulled him out of his thoughts, a hand lightly tugging on the sleeve of his blazer. He looked over at Anthony, shaking his head before he walked forward, stumbling over his own feet multiple times as he reached for the newspaper that lay on the ground. He picked it up, reading the headline quickly before shaking his head again.

He turned back "Come on" he grabbed his partner's hand, dragging him over to the collapsed building and stumbling over the rubble "Guys!" he called as they reached his siblings "This is it, the apocalypse is still on and the world ends today"

They looked at him with a mix of confusion, fear and complete despair "I thought that you said it was over" Luther spoke up, walking over one of the bricks that were scattered along the ground.

"I was wrong, okay?" Five admitted, holding up the newspaper he had found "This newspaper, I found it in the future the day I got stuck and the headline hasn't changed" his hands shook terribly as he held it up for them all to see.

"No that doesn't mean anything" Diego shook his head, blood trickling down his forehead. His voice sounded almost broken, and Anthony looked at him with completely sympathy "Time could've been altered since that newspaper came out this morning" he said. Anthony walked over and placed his hand in the man's shoulder, who reacted by reaching up and touching his hand in acknowledgement.

"You're not listening to me, when I found it I assumed this place came down along with everything else. But here we are; the Moon's still shunting and the Earth is in one piece, but not the Academy" Five explained, motioning around with his hands.

Klaus grabbed the newspaper off of him "I'm confused" he walked back to his original spot.

"Then listen to me, you idiot!" Five snapped in anger and irritation "Vanya destroys the Academy before the apocalypse" he sighed "I thought Harold Jenkins was the cause, but he was just the fuse. Vanya is the bomb, Vanya causes the apocalypse"

They all looked at him with complete and utter confusion, because it really didn't make much sense to any of them "We have to find her" Luther said.

"Yeah, no shit" Anthony commented, before they heard the sound of wailing sirens and a helicopter above them, shining bright lights down on top of them. They all looked up, shielding their eyes from the lights with their arms or hands.

"We gotta go, now" Diego told them "Regroup at the Super Star, go!" he yelled as they all went in different directions for some reason.

Number Five reached forward, grabbing Anthony's wrist before he teleported both of them to the bowling alley "Jesus! Don't just do that without warning me first" Anthony scolded, feeling his vision blur and the room spinning for a couple of seconds.

"Alright, next time I'll just leave you to walk here by yourself, would you prefer that?" Five asked, letting go of his wrist and dropping it and pushing it away a little too roughly. He walked away from him, making his way over to one of the empty benches that wasn't being occupied by anyone. He sat down, wrapping his arms around himself and leaned back, his leg bouncing anxiously up and down repeatedly.

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