forty eight

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chapter forty eight: run

Anthony felt for the first time in a while that he truly had a family. He sat in the front of the car, sitting pushed against his husband with one leg resting across his lap, they sat a lot closer than they needed to be but not as close as they wanted to be. Klaus had insisted that Vanya played the radio as loud as it was possible for it to, so the music blared out as she tried to concentrate on the road.

Luther and Diego were bickering about something in the back of the car, and Allison was only adding in comments or noises of disapproval every minute or so. Klaus kept complaining that he didn't have enough leg room, and Diego would complain that the journey was taking too long.

It was a mess, but a mess only a family would have.

The thought of a family was one that had always been in the back of Anthony's mind ever since he was just a kid when he would beg his parents to have another baby so he could have a brother or a sister to play with. They obviously said no, because they never even wanted him so why would they bring another version of him into the world?

It had taken years, so many years of pain and suffering to finally get to the point where he was at right now. Anthony not only had a family in Five, but also in the Hargreeves. They were basically his siblings now, and it wasn't just him that thought that, but to know that they felt the same way was the most reassuring thing to him right now.

"Why the hell is it snowing?" Diego questioned as he broke away from his argument with Luther and looked out the window as they approached the farm.

Anthony furrowed his eyebrows "Weird"

The farm was covered in snow by the time they had gotten there, and there was a storm cloud that was coming from out of the barn and protecting into the cloudy sky. Vanya pulled into the drive away, parking the car in the middle of the snow.

You think whatever's going on inside is causing the cold front?" Diego asked as he slammed the car door forcefully behind him, stepping onto the cold snow.

"Well the correlation is high" Five said as he got out of the car, Anthony holding the door open for him.

They all began to walk over before the barn door swung open and out ran Sissy holding a gun "Get back!" she yelled while pointing the gun towards them "All of you just get the hell back!" Klaus was the only one to raise his hands in surrender.

"Hey! Hey! What's wrong?" Vanya asked frantically.

The door of the barn swung open again "Mom?"

"Carl" Sissy ignored her son.

"What did he do to you?" Vanya asked.

Sissy shook her head "He's dead, Harlan tossed him aside like a rag doll the same way you sent those policemen flying. What did you do to him?"

"Mom" Joey tried to intervene again.

"What the hell did you do to my son?" Sissy only pushed forward and ignored him again.

Diego stepped forward "We don't have time for this"

"Where you think you're going?" Sissy pointed the gun towards him quickly.

Anthony reached forward to pull the man back, but only got pulled back himself by his husband.

"I'm trying to help your son" Diego told her.

Vanya nodded "Look Sissy, I found my family" she motioned to them "These are my brothers and my sister" Klaus waved at the woman.

Joey furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he looked towards Anthony "Brother?"

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