fifty six

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chapter fifty six: seen this film before

Anthony knew he probably should've seen something like this coming eventually, his life was never as simple as if had been just a couple of hours ago, and he should've known that it wasn't going to last very long, because nothing good ever did last long for him, it was an endless cycle at this point of the same thing repeating over and over again. He was tired of it, but there was nothing that he or anyone could do to stop it.

It was just an endless cycle at this point, the same thing just repeating over and over again, and he was tired of it, but there was ultimately nothing he or anyone could do to stop it. Anthony really should've known this would happen, because it seemed that every single time something good happened to him it inevitably just got taken away from him.

First it was his grandparents, then it was his entire life when he was seventeen the moment he got to the Commission. They took everything from him, and he really was never the same person after that, just the shattered remains and the shell of who he used to be before then. Even when he thought he had found something, someone, and when he finally started to put himself back to together, Five pushed him away.

He guessed one of the the only good thing's the Handler ever did for him was send him on that job in 2019 where he was meant to kill Five, but we all know it only brought them back together. But just when he thought he had that, he lost Five again as soon as he had landed in that alleyway in 1963.

Surprisingly he gained a lot in the sixties; his grandparents and his friends, but alas they were also taken away from him as soon as the word apocalypse was mentioned to him again.

Anthony wasn't stupid, he had read and studied every single training manual that the Commission had to offer, he knew exactly what was happening and what it meant. The only thing he had right now was Five and the Hargreeves family, he was not ready or willing to loose them now.

He wasn't sure he could handle loosing anything else at this stage, how much more he could go through before inevitably just breaking down again and giving up. Really, sometimes he did wonder if it was even worth it at this point, what was the point of going through all this just so he could loose everything and be back where he started?

"I'm so confused" Diego mumbled as they all gathered around the pool table in the lobby.

Allison stood to the side "Shocking." she muttered.

That woman was getting on Anthony's last nerve.

"Well if someone killed our mothers so we shouldn't exist." Viktor as always was the only smart sibling there, "But clearly we do exist and the universe can't handle it, which is a problem."

"Big problem" Five replied as he held a cup of coffee in his hand as he leaned against the pool table.

Stan did a high kick from the other side of the room while holding a pool stick, flinging it around carelessly. "Stanley!" Diego yelled "Now is not the time to be doing karate, okay?"

"Yeah, well mom said I need to practice" he replied.

Anthony hummed "Yeah because you're shit at it" he mumbled under his breath as he sat on the pool table, kicking his legs slightly.

"Hey don't talk to my kid like that, asshole!" Diego exclaimed before looking back at him, "But he's not wrong, you're very bad at it."

"Yeah well I saved your pathetic ass!" Stan replied.

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