Chapter 1

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I know I know I shouldn't be writing more without editing my last chapters but I woke up with this idea in my head and now I can't seem to get rid of it. So I'll just write and see where this goes.

Also, it's my first time diving into the fascinating world of supernaturals so if I'm as bad at it as I think I am, PLEASE, tell me.

Hope it's worth a read.
Have a good day, readers!


Lost Memories...

"With all due respect, Alpha, I don't think it's safer for Ray to stay with us any longer. She's just a human and we're at a war. You're the Alpha King and we are the main target of all our enemies. Don't you think it's time to finally send her away with the others? To safety?" Beta Paul's voice was thick with worry and his huge bulky frame tense as he regarded his Alpha.

"Paul... I know you're right and I have tried, countless times, to send her away but she's as stubborn as the day I found her in the woods. She won't listen to me." Alpha June spoke tiredly, looking out of her office's window with worried eyes and her eyes softened when she saw Ray helping an older man with weapons.

"If only..." Paul couldn't continue what he wanted to say, a palpable bitterness in his voice and June sighed heavily, understanding what he was about to say.

"If only she were the one chosen for me... The first time I saw her, I felt a connection and I was sure she would be my mate but-- Instead, the Goddess wanted to punish me for the sins of our forefathers and gave me that Rogue Princess as a mate. Oh, how I hate her." June growled, her body inflating with barely held anger, and Paul moved a step back from the effects, his neck exposed in submission.

"I'm sorry, Paul. I didn't mean to--" June immediately tried to apologize when she saw the strained expression on her wise Beta's face but before she could continue, the door to her office burst opened and his brother came in panting.

"June-- Alpha! We--We got her. The V-Vampire Queen! She's here!... Our troops just got back with the Queen and her companions. They're being taken to the dungeons in the forest." Mark panted heavily, and June made her brother sit on the couch before offering him a glass of water.

"How many did we lose?" Paul asked, already knowing he would have to notify the families of the deceased and Mark shook his head wildly, his curly hair bouncing around.

"T-That's the thing! No one! They're all back... Sister, my mate told me that the Vampire Queen didn't even put up a fight. He said-- He said she was weaker than anyone he knows and-- He thinks this might be a trap. You have to come." Mark looked frantic as he explained, looking at his sister with big scared eyes, and June sighed before tapping his shoulder.

"Calm down, Mark. The Vampire Queen may be many things but she's not someone who would willingly surrender herself just to slay a whole pack of wolves-- The Alpha King's pack at that... No, that crown goes to our late father who slaughtered her kind without an ounce of mercy even when she extended a peace treaty." June looked remorseful and Paul held his head low too while Mark nodded sadly- they all hated how history had unfolded.

"I don't know how much longer I'd have to carry the burden of their crimes... I feel my hands laced with the blood of innocent. I feel like this war is a punishment and we all deserve it." June's melancholic voice made Mark's eyes tear and Paul looked like he would cry too if he could.

"Alpha King! Alpha King!" A panicked voice caught their attention just before a timid maid entered the room with a wild look on her face.

"Alpha King! You must hurry! Ray, she's... She's gone for the Vampire Queen." The maid's words made June's blood run cold and she was galloping towards the forest within a blink; she had promised herself to never let any harm come to the innocent human.

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