Chapter 19

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24 years later...

"Alright, everyone. I need you all to stay quiet and not make a sound. We all know how cunning that little devil is." Sybil whisper-hissed at her companions, making Elsa watch her lovingly, and Lillian was just about ready to push her out of the way when she turned around.

"Did you add the secret ingredient?" Lois whispered to Sybil as they all tiptoed towards a bed, and the Princess nodded with a smirk; her eyes on the prize in her hands.

Sybil raised three fingers, counting down excitedly...

"Happy Birthday!" They all screamed, causing the birthday girl to scream in panic, roll over the bed, and fall face-first on the floor; groaning and cursing Sybil because she knew only she would be so heartless.

"I fucking hate you, Sybil." She had groaned, not even moving from her place, and Sybil kneeled beside her before tucking the wild strands of Auburn hair behind her ears.

"Happy Birthday, my dearest Genevieve." Sybil cooed at the girl, causing her to huff in irritation, and Lillian pushed the Princess away before crushing the birthday girl in her strong muscular arms.

"Lillian! Human, remember? No super strength!" Genevieve had struggled to speak when she was being crushed, her face reddening vastly, and Vera was quick to pull her mates away while Lois and her mates giggled.

"Here you go, little devil. I read your recipe book and made you a red velvet cupcake. The one you love." Sybil's smile was sickeningly sweet, making Genevieve suspicious, and Elsa scowled at her mate who looked way too excited when she accepted the gift.

Genevieve was screaming as soon as she took the first bite...

"Ugh! Sybil! I'm going to fucking end you! Come back here!" Genevieve screamed like a lunatic, chasing the older vampire running away from her, and Ray looked away from Athena when she heard the sound of their footsteps approaching.

"Sybil, what did you do now? I have told you many times not to mess with my little baby... Come here, sweetheart. Let Mama Ray have a look." Ray had cooed at Genevieve, cupping her red face, and Sybil snorted at the two which made Athena chuckle.

"She tricked me into eating a cupcake with red peppers inside it, Mama Ray. It was so hot and it burnt my mouth. See." Genevieve whined like a baby, pointing to her blazing tongue, and Elsa had smacked her proudly-grinning mate before handing her a glass of milk.

"It's alright, sweety. Drink this. It will help." Elsa kissed the human she loved the most, causing her to grin happily, and Genevieve stuck her tongue out at Sybil before wrapping her arms around Athena's neck from behind her.

"Happy Birthday, little Angel. Any special birthday demands I should know of?" Athena had asked lovingly, patting the arms around her neck, and while Sybil scowled at her mother's words, Genevieve grinned.

"Well, now that you have asked yourself and since it is my birthday, I guess I can--" Genevieve started to speak sweetly, her eyes on Sybil who was becoming worried, and just when she was about to get her revenge, the sound of footsteps approaching made her look behind at once; her eyes wide and her heart racing.

"Is it her?" Genevieve had inquired her supernatural family, breathless and anxious, and Sybil was just about ready to mock her when Elsa's glare stopped her while Ray and Athena smiled softly.

Genevieve's body deflated when she found June and Aria...

"Don't look too excited to see us, Genevieve. We merely abandoned all our duties only to here for your birthday." June grumbled, catching the look of disappointment on Genevieve's face, and Aria ignored her mate before embracing the birthday girl; wishing her lovingly.

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