Chapter 14

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Antonia was a mess...

"How is this happening? Why now? Why?" She whispered to herself, the ache in her heart just as profound as it had been the moment she looked into her mate's eyes, and she paced the large furnished room they had been locked inside until further notice.

"Wait! Antonia! Antonia! Hey, let me go! I know her! That's my wife!" A voice has yelled, catching Antonia's attention, and she was shocked when the feeling of disgust rose in her chest at his words.


"Kaleb, what are you doing here? I thought you left with the survivors." Antonia had asked the man who she was about to be married to, and Kaleb had kissed her hard; causing her to pull away at once.

"I couldn't leave you behind, Antonia. Not when I knew you are carrying my son. Our future Alpha." Kaleb replied, sounding incredulous, and Antonia was, once again, to find herself feeling disgusted by his words.

"We are not in danger, Kaleb. That human was telling the truth. Princess Azure did not mean to turn her and she even saved us--" Antonia stopped talking as soon as she noticed the look on Kaleb's face, the man she had known since they were kids and the one she had been in love with just hours ago, and he had tried to speak when several guards came in with food and necessities.

"Princess Azure sends her regards and hopes that you all are comfortable here. There are blankets and a change of clothes for you in here. We arranged milk for the little ones as well. Please enjoy the food." Presley, who was accompanying the guards told the people with a gentle smile, and when none of them moved, she left.

"We will not eat their food! Our babies with not drink the milk they gave! If death is ours then we shall die today with honor!" Kaleb had yelled, rattling every man present, and Antonia could see the look on poor women's faces; fearful for their children.

"I disagree." The words left Antonia's mouth before she could even know of them and Kaleb had looked mortified as he gaped at her; it being her first time to speak against him.

"We must not waste food, no matter who offered it to us because we know Goddess provides for her subjects by strange means. Our children are hungry and the Goddess heard them. So, she sent us food. Do not let your faith in Her be affected by the ones bringing it." Antonia had spoken, her voice strong like that of a true leader, and her words made them all nod at once.

Kaleb knew something was off...

"Why did you do that? Why did you go against me? You have never done that before." Kaleb had inquired at once, watching her eyes closely, and Antonia knew better than to lie to him; he could always tell when she was lying.

"Something did happen today. Something that I... That I never believed in... I think... I think I found my mate, Kaleb. And it is one of the Princesses." Antonia's eyes brimmed with tears when she admitted that, scared for her future, and Kaleb was rendered speechless.

"Alpha, there is a lady here asking for you." A young girl had muttered shyly, interrupting their moment, and Antonia leaned down only to kiss her head lovingly; making the little angel giggle happily.

"Thank you for telling me, little flower. Now go back to your mother and do not talk to anyone without her by your side, okay? Good... Kaleb, I know this must have come as a shock to you but I need to leave. We will talk later." Antonia walked away with fast steps, Kaleb's mere presence causing her to feel nauseous, and soon as she stepped out of the room, she had gasped at the one before her.

"I don't know why but you have caught the eye of my Queen and she demands your presence. Come quietly or I will be more than pleased to drag you." Desdemona smiled the most sickeningly sweet smile, her beauty and words making Antonia speechless, and when she did not reply fast enough, she put her under a sleep spell with a soft groan.

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