Chapter 22

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Genevieve groaned; irritated...

"Stop moving, Iris, or I may hurt you. I am not an expert at chopping people's hair off." She smacked Iris's shoulder, ignoring the grunt that left her body, and only when her sire stopped moving did she continue.

"Esme will eat dust once I'm done with you. You will look fucking stunning with short hair. Even with this wretched mask on your face." Genevieve sounded as sure as she was, her hands working carefully to chop the floor-length locks of her sire, and she still couldn't believe that Iris had never had a haircut before.

"Does my mask displease you?" Iris had whispered in her head after a while and Genevieve smiled gently; her sire bond helping her pick the undertones of her voice.

"No, Sire. It does not displease me... Although, I do find myself wondering what you look like." Genevieve responded honestly, in awe of how soft her sire's hair was, and Iris had remained silent for another few minutes.

"Our bond, it helps me read your emotions, little one... You miss the Queens." Iris's voice and her words surprised Genevieve but she did not answer her until she was done and she had grinned proudly when her sire stood before her.

"Oh, you look absolutely stunning, Iris. With your jawline and eyes and now this awesome hairstyle, you're like a princess charming." Genevieve beamed, proud of herself for convincing her sire to cut her hair, and she noticed Iris's eyes shifting just before she looked behind her.

"The Queen is here." Iris had whispered to her sire, noticing the way her breath hitched, and Genevieve had gasped as soon as she turned around only to find Esme and Ray watching them.

Ray's smile was timid and teary...

"Genevieve--" Ray hadn't even spoken what she wanted to when Genevieve had embraced her, with the strength she did not have, and she had held her back at once; having missed her so much.

"Oh, my sweetheart. I have missed you so dearly. I know it has only been a month but I truly missed you." Ray had whispered, her voice heavy with hurt, and when Genevieve's tears soaked her skin, she pulled back to wipe them away at once.

"I missed you too, Mama. I missed you so much. But I... I couldn't come back. Not after what happened." Genevieve spoke like a child, shaking her head, and Ray smiled lovingly before kissing her forehead.

"I know, sweetheart. Mama knows her sweet baby. That is why I came here myself. Your Mom was pouting, as you call it, when I forbid her to come with." Ray's words made Genevieve giggle, proud of her, and when she turned to Iris, her golden eyes turned even warmer.

"Hello, Iris. I see you have been unable to resist our Genevieve's charms too. Your hair looks lovely, darling." Ray smiled at her daughter, who remained silent, and Genevive wrapped her arms around her before giving Esme a cocky look.

"I was shocked when I learned that Iris has never had a haircut before and I told her I will give her one. I had to use a little magic to convince her but can you blame me? She looks hot!" Genevieve pointed to her sire, who had turned away from them, and something inside Ray had whispered to her; her motherly instincts on alert.

"Genevieve, sweetheart, will you be kind enough to give me and Iris a moment alone? I wish to talk to her... Sybil brought you your favorite red velvet cupcakes when she heard I was visiting and I made sure she did not mess with them before bringing them. Esme can show you where they are." Ray kissed Genevieve's cheek, her red eyes bright with excitement, and Esme did not even have the chance to object before the newborn was dragging her; she felt like she was a toddler.

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