Chapter 5

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Lillian's Mate....


13 years later...

"Princess, shall we camp for the night?" Lillian turned to her beta, her best friend, and her companion for this mission, Lois, and shook her head with a firm look.

"We must not stop, Lois. We are almost there... I wish to end this as soon as possible and return home. Mother must be expecting me and I wish to be there for the birth of my sibling." Lillian's lips had lifted in a small smile as she thought of cradling the new pup in her arms and Lois nodded in response.

"What do you think we will find? The rogue who came to us has not woken up since his first and last words. What if... What if he was lying? Alpha King was thorough with her mission to rid our world of power-hungry wolves after she took over the throne." Lois talked freely, noticing her best friend and Alpha sigh heavily, and Lillian waved at her to stop before sitting against a huge tree; the scent of forest embracing her warmly.

Lillian thought back to the day they had come across a brutally injured rogue wolf two weeks ago, as they were visiting one of the packs who had welcomed a new Alpha, and her heart ailed, even now, as she thought about the condition they had found him in. Lillian had watched as the guards surrounded the bleeding wolf but before they could attack him, she had used her Alpha voice to make them all step away. It was devastating, to watch relief flood in the rogue's eyes as soon as he looked up at Lillian, and he had uttered only a few words before passing out from the countless injuries lettering his pelt and exhaustion.

Save her. Please. They will kill her. River Pack-- Save her...

Lillian did not know what he meant or who he was talking about or who he had just begged for. It could have been his mate or just another rogue, but her Wolf had howled inside her head at once and Lillian commanded the wolves around her to tend to him as if he wasn't just another rogue. Her Alpha voice left no space for argument and Lois had stood beside her childhood best friend as they watched the soldiers carry the rogue away. Lois knew Lillian would never return home until she had made sure that whoever the rogue wanted to be saved was rescued and, without even needing her words, she prepared for their journey after gathering all the information about the River Pack.

Now, three days later, they were almost there...

"I do not know, Lois. I used to think so too but... After everything we have seen in the last two years of silent surveying, finding all those wolves in need, and saving them from their own packs, I am inclined to believe the rogue." Lillian didn't look at her best friend when she spoke, her heart tugging for an unknown reason, and Lois opened her mouth to speak but stopped when they heard a familiar loud squeak.

Lillian smiled at the sight of the huge hawk...

"Mother." Lillian pressed her first to her chest, bowing in respect, and Lois did the same while the unnaturally large hawk watched them both with its big beady eyes.

"Lillian, my sweet girl. I have missed you so much. How long will you be gone? Aria has been punishing me for letting you stay away for so long and-- I really wish to sleep with my mate in my arms tonight." June's voice left the hawk's mouth, causing Lillian to beam at it, and Lois chuckled at their Alpha King's words.

"I have missed you too, mother, but I can not return without making sure that the people of our kingdom are safe. It is my duty, as your daughter and the future Alpha King, to make sure of it." Lillian's voice was firm, just like her mother's, and Lois watched her best friend with pride; loving the woman she was growing up to be.

Lillian perked up when Aria spoke...

"Lillian Athena Stark! I command you, as your mother and as the Luna Queen, to turn around and come home this instant!" Aria's voice had forced the girls to their knees, her power causing Lois to whimper, and June's soft voice had whispered something to her wife which made the power grow meek.

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