Chapter 33

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Athena enclosed Iris in a strong hug...

"I am sorry we have to leave, my love, but I promise you I will be back soon with your mother." Athena had sounded just as devastated as she looked, gaining amused looks from June, and Iris merely smiled as she kissed her forehead lovingly.

"Come now, Athena. You have been here for over a week now. It is time we return and tend to our people. Do not look so sad. It is not like we do not have portals in our castles to travel here whenever we wish." June wrapped an arm around Athena, making her frown, and Ray ignored the best friends as she and Aria said their goodbyes.

Ray cupped her daughter's face...

"Talk to her, Iris. I know you want to. She has been patient but I know it is hurting her to stay away from you. She is your mate, Maman's love. Let her in." Ray pleaded softly, recognizing the look of pain that crossed Iris's eyes, and Athena nodded in agreement; just like June and Aria.

"I will try, Maman." Iris knew she wasn't ready to do that, not yet, and so did her parents but they all just accepted her words before stepping through the portals; on their way to their castles.

Just then a soldier approached Iris...

"My Queen, a messenger from the human village on the eastern border is here. He says there is a woman there who needs our help. She is with a child but--" The soldier started to speak, worry clear in his voice, and Iris had cut him off as soon as she heard the word child.

"Prepare for and announce my departure and summon the best healer for the human. We shall leave at once." Iris instructed the soldier, already walking towards her chambers, and her orders were carried out immediately.

Iris's feet paused just outside the door...

Ever since she came back to life, Iris had been successfully avoiding seeing or being seen by her mate. But, every now and then, she would catch her homey scent lingering around in her chambers or in the garden she had found her in the last time they talked or in her personal library; as if she had been here moments ago and only disappeared when she heard or felt her arriving. As much as it touched Iris's heart to realize that Antonia had been doing more than enough to respect her wishes, it ached her too. This was the first time that Iris had caught her inside her chambers, her heart aching to catch a glimpse of their mate, and knowing that she was about to leave, she had allowed herself the privilege to do that by cloaking herself before walking in with silent steps.

Iris was not ready for what she saw...

With diamond-like tears rolling down her flushed cheeks and a pained look on her heartachingly stunning face, Antonia was sat on her bed with her black sweater - the one that Genevieve had gifted her a month ago - pressed against her chest. It was because of the pulsing longing assaulting her battered heart and Iris's lingering scent in the sweater that Antonia had been clinging to, just to feel closer to her, that she had been unable to sense her mate. Iris had watched from the safety of her cloaking spell, her vampire cursing her for being so weak and hurting their mate like this, as Antonia brought the soft garment to her face before pressing her cheek into it longingly; her tears kissing the very scent of her skin present on it.

But then, Antonia finally felt her; her eyes opening at once...

"Iris." The way her name fell from their mate's lips in a sacred whisper almost brought Iris to her knees, wishing nothing more than to surrender, but she couldn't; not yet.

"I-I know you're here, Iris. Please, talk to me. And even if you don't want to just-- Just stay, okay? Even if you don't want to see me or let me see you just stay. I-I-- please, Iris, just stay." Antonia had begged, her voice teary and broken, and Iris clenched her jaw tightly as she turned away from her; her emotions reaching their mate.

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