Chapter 23

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A year later in the mortal realm...

"Yo, check this out." Said the jock with a wide grin, getting giggles and grins from his group of friends, and then he threw the football in his hands towards the unaware girl who was busy opening her locker.

The group had burst into laughter, the cheerleaders giggling, and the girl had merely arranged her thick glasses, ignoring the fools messing with her, and quickly grabbed the hairband she was looking for before tying her frizzy hair. Just as she was about to close her locker, her eyes landed on her reflection in the mirror before her, and she sighed softly. Looking back at her was a woman with glamorous chocolate skin, her expressive honey-brown eyes squinting as she tried to see the freckles that she knew were there, and she was about to give herself her daily affirmation when she heard the voice that made her shiver; her body turning to the group who had been bullying her.

Kahlan Salvatore...

"What are you doing there, freak?" Said the cheer caption, the most beautiful woman in the school, Kahlan, and she had quickly closed her locker; her heart racing as she looked in her heterochromatic eyes; blue and purple.

"Crying because she's an ugly bitch." The jock who had hit her said, causing the group to burst into laughter, but Kahlan remained silent and they noticed; calming down like obedient dogs.

"You didn't answer me, freak. What were you doing just now?" Kahlan asked again, her eyes never leaving the poor girl, and she had felt her heart race; the scent of her expensive perfume hitting her.

"I-I... I was just... I-I..." She couldn't find the right words when Kahlan was standing right there, glaring at her, and she could hear the sound of snickers coming from the group behind her; everyone in the hallway now watching them.

It must have been a miracle because a voice interrupted the scene...

"You should teach some manners to your pets, Kahlan. They should not be messing with someone who can't bite back." Said the confident voice of their school's bad girl, causing Kahlan's group to step back, and she closed her locker loud enough to make the dumb jock jump in fear.

"You are right. Freak here is clearly not smart enough to even make a complete sentence. It's a wonder how they even let people like her into the school." Kahlan had spat, her vibrant eyes piercing through the girl before her, and with a raise of her hand; the crowd disappeared like ants.

Kahlan looked at the tall girl behind her; peering into her soul...

"You should be careful when and what you speak. I can only ever hold my pets off for so long." Kahlan had kept her voice neutral as she spoke, causing the tall girl to give her a grin, and with one last glance her way, she was gone.

"You alright?" The tall girl had asked her, her voice soft and gentle, and she had pretended like she didn't listen before walking away; judgy whispers following her.

She was used to this...

The first half of the day went smoothly, with only a few incidents, and when the bell for the second half rang, she found herself wishing to skip; bored of learning the same thing over and over again. She was not sure where she was going, her feet were moving on their own as her heart ached, and she had been surprised to find herself standing outside the female restrooms. She had taken a deep breath, turning around to make sure no one was there, and only when she was sure that it was safe did she enter. Her heart had just about leaped out of her chest when she went in because there, leaned over the counter with a pained look on her face, was none other than Kahlan herself. Before she could even breathe, her piercing eyes were on her, and her heart had raced again.

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