Chapter 20

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At the other end of the werewolf Kingdom, Azure was busy...

"Greetings, Sire. Your mothers wish for me to ask you if you would be joining them today?" Inez asked the woman she had been looking up to since before they met and she had heard a small sigh leaving her lips.

"Not today, Inez. I have work to do. The Queen of North has been sending her troops to the old covens of dark witches in search of a long-lost artifact and I wish to find it before she does." Azure replied stoically, without looking back, and Inez felt her heart racing as she thought of her next words.

"But, Sire, it is her birthday today. Her twenty-fourth birthday. She must be waiting for your arrival... You gave her your word, Sire." Inez knew she might be crossing a line but she did not care and even when Azure's form went as taut as a bowstring, she didn't back down.

"Are you prepared for what is needed to be done?" Azure asked her sternly, aware of the fact that she was against it, and Inez sighed in defeat before muttering a small yes; her heart heavy.

"Good. Prepare the portal as I taught you. We must get done with it as soon as possible." Azure commanded her, waving her hand to magically conceal all her documents, and Inez obeyed without a word.

Back at the castle, Genevive was screaming while Sybil winced...

"Calm down, you dumb kid! It's only a bike." Sybil grimaced at the loud voice, covering her ears, and Geneve threw herself on the tall vampire; thanking her over and over again as she clung to her.

"It is not just a bike, it's the bike of my dreams! The fastest one in the mortal realm and now I have it! Oh, Sybil, as bitchy as you are, you are my favorite family in all worlds." Genevive pinched Sybil's cheeks as she cooed those words, causing Elsa and Lillian to laugh, and the vampire glared at her only to become shocked her face went soft.

"I mean it, Sybil. You are truly the best and I am the luckiest human in all worlds to have a sister like you. And I know you do not condemn what I am about to do, but knowing that you love me enough to let me have a shot at happiness means the world to me... Thanks, Sybil. Thanks for everything." Genevive's voice was thick with emotions, her words making the talk vampire teary-eyed, and the human giggled when Lillian pointed that out.

"Oh, fuck off Lillian! I am not crying! My eyes are naturally like that." Sybil huffed as she flipped off the werewolf, making her laugh even harder, and Genevive watched as Elsa comforted her mate; impatient to have that with her Princess.

A voice then caught everyone's attention...

"Genevieve... She is here." Ray smiled at the girl she understood more than anyone, having been through that same situation before, and Genevieve squealed loudly before running inside in search of her Princess.

"Sybil... Whatever happens, do not let your sister hurt her any more than she will already be. Tell her to go easy on her." Athena had advised her daughter before she left and Ray had scowled at her words; not understanding why she was saying that.

"Why are you talking like that, Athena? There is a huge possibility that Genevieve might be right, just as I was when you refused to open up to me, and who knows, maybe they truly are mated. There was a reason why The Almighty brought Genevive in her life when Azure needed her the most." Ray had stepped away from her mate as she spoke, a hint of anger in her voice, and Athena sighed softly before replying.

"You and I were different, Elle... I realized you were my mate as soon as I looked into your eyes. Something that is the first thing to identify a mated pair and Azure feels nothing for her. Nothing at all... I do not think it is wise to goad Genevieve when the truth is already clear." Athena tried to make her mate understand, but by the look in her eyes she could tell she was failing and when she tried to speak again, Ray stopped her.

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