Chapter 24

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1 week ago...

"Do we know what the artifact is or what it does?" Antonia had asked the group of hunters before her, and when none of them replied, she mentioned them to leave her alone.

"We need to know what it is before we bring it here. As much as I want to destroy the North Queen, I can not risk the safety of this world." Antonia had spoken tiredly, walking to the glass wall that looked over the training grounds, and the man she was to walked closer to her.


"The witches told the hunters that it is ancient and it was meant to be destroyed but they did not have enough power to do it. So they buried it instead and vowed secrecy." Kaleb had replied and Antonia turned to look at him only to find his red eyes watching her already.

"It is time, Antonia. It is finally time to get our revenge. We must kill the monster that murdered our son and turned us both into creatures that were born to kill. For over a century we have waited. But now we have our chance." Kaleb grabbed her hands, pleading with his red eyes, and they both turned to the door when they heard a knock only to find Tyler; his mate.

"The Princesses are here. They say they need your help." Tyler bowed before his alpha, ignoring the pinch in his heart, and Antonia nodded before walking away from the mated pair.

"You did this on purpose, didn't you? Every time I get close to her, to my wife, you just have to show up." Kaleb hissed at his mate, his hand choking him, and Tyler used all his werewolf strength to push him away.

"That was not our intention, Mate, but it wouldn't matter. Alpha knows I am your mate and she would never let you be anything but her advisor." Tyler's wolf growled at the man who was supposed to love him and when Kaleb felt his vampire coming to, she quickly walked away.

In the office, Antonia found the Princesses...

"Princess Azure. Princess Sybil. Do what do I owe this visit?" Antonia greeted the women who had been nothing but kind and accepting to her and once they were all seated; Azure spoke.

"We need your help, Antonia... You know about my mate being bonded to Iris through siren bond right?" Azure had asked softly, not at all wanting to trigger any memories, and Antonia's insides clenched at the name; her red eyes becoming sharper as she nodded.

"We have found the perfect time to free Genevieve from that bond... A week from now, there will be a blood moon in our world. It happens once every thousand years and every creature - no matter how strong - loses half of their magic because of it... We think that we could use it to our advantage." Sybil's eyes were as excited as her voice, knowing her idea was brilliant, and now the Princesses had Antonia's full attention while Kaleb listened in too.

"We know that Iris will be visiting Genevieve during that time because she would be weakened and her enemies could easily attack her. She does not know that we are aware of her plan so she would not be expecting it. At the night of the blood moon, when Iris is at her weakest and her vampire is vulnerable we will..." Azure paused, unsure of how to continue without sounding heartless, and Antonia was ready to yell at her just to do that.

"We will use you... Well, your mate bond. We will pretend that you were in an accident and use the recent attacks on hunters to bring her here, in your office where magic does not work. Once you have her, Azure will take Genevieve away and Inez will do the spell to break the sire bond." Sybil looked proud of herself, grinning happily, and Azure gave her a smile before looking at Antonia again.

"We know we are asking a lot. Especially since you might have to face her but we have no other choice. Your office is the only place in this world where magic is ineffective and we will need that to free my Mate... So, will you help us?" Azure asked gently, giving her a way out, but Antonia had given them a wide smile with a nod, and Sybil yelled happily.

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