Chapter 9

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Ray's hand shook as she raised it to knock on the door...

"Azure... It's me. Your mother. Will you please let me in? I need to see you." Ray did her best to keep her emotions in check, knowing very well that her daughter was excellent at picking up on them, and when the large doors to her daughter's chamber magically opened, she turned to Athena.

"Are you sure you do not want me to accompany you? I can see that you are troubled, sweet Elle." Athena had cupped her mate's face, her dead heart throbbing at the sight of tears in her eyes, and Ray gave her a weak smile before shaking her head.

"Yes. I am sure. I... I need to talk to Azure alone. I need to be the one to tell her about it." Ray told her mate, trying to remain strong, and no matter how much Athena wanted to stay, she nodded before watching her walk inside.

Athena sighed heavily when the door closed, as soon as Ray had entered, her heart aching for her family, and June wrapped her arm around her best friend before taking her to the court where guests had already started to arrive. Inside the chamber built for Princess Azure, Ray smiled softly at the sight of the huge family painting that Azure had completed when she was just eight years old, her heart warming at their smiling faces — well, except for Iris who was not that fond of showing emotions — and even now she found herself still in awe of her amazing daughters; her miracles.

The Princesses were unlike any other supernatural, more powerful than most, and the fact that they had more powers than a normal vampire made their parents extra protective of them. Although each Princess had her own magical chamber — one that was based on their personalities, contained countless gigantic hidden rooms, gardens, labs, libraries, and everything the outer world had to offer — they were still kept locked inside their castle and only allowed to leave with both of their mothers at their sides. However, Ray was aware that Sybil was used to slipping away on most nights when she thought nobody was aware.

Ray's smile widened when she felt two arms wrapping around her...

"Why are you sad, Mama? I can feel your emotions all the way in my library." Azure's soft voice had inquired from behind her mother, her arms holding her in a loving embrace, and Ray had tried her best to hold in her emotions as she turned around.

The first thing Ray saw, as soon as she turned to gaze at her lovely daughter, was the bright blue mane of locks flowing down her strong shoulders like threads of silk; making her look as ethereal as she was. Her uncanny blue eyes, which reminded Ray of everything good and pure in the world, were trying to read her with wisdom that only she possessed. Ray smiled softly as she — as always — started seeing the similarities that her sweet daughter shared with her. Ray's friends and family would often tell her that Azure was her mirror image — despite being taller than her — but Ray could never see that because to her, Azure, just like her sisters, was the most precious spirit to have ever graced her sight. Ray's love for her daughters knew no bounds and sometimes she felt like even the mate bond she shared with Athena wasn't as strong.

"Why are you looking at me like that, Mama? And why have you been crying?" Azure had asked, concern pooling in her beautiful blue eyes, and Ray had simply cupped her face before pulling her down only to kiss her forehead lovingly.

"I love you so much, my sweet baby. My Azure. Mama's love." Ray felt her voice cracking, the mere thought of not being able to hold her again killing her, and Azure had smiled softly; her cheeks flushing.

"I love you too, Mama. More than anything. Do not be sad. You know I can't stand it when you get sad. Tell me, who influenced you to be like this? I promise I shall make them pay for making my beautiful mama cry." Azure had pulled her mother closer without pulling away, her heart warm, and Ray had chuckled through her tears as she peppered her daughter's face with loving kisses.

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