Chapter 26

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Ray had always known that she would die if somebody took her daughters...

"Iris, please. Talk to me. I beg you." Ray was begging, looking into Iris's white eyes, and once Lillian had distracted her sisters by bursting in to announce the oracles' arrival; she quickly froze the moment and went forward in time.

In the last few years, Iris's old self had only visited her a few times and when she did, she would always feel more detached than the last which made her question if she was even guiding her on the right path. So, she had been planning on going against her initial plans and, even after becoming the new anchor for Esme - whose true life story she was aware of - she felt compelled to see for herself if it was worth it. She had chosen a reality in which Iris had surrendered herself, giving the oracles the chance to trap Esme, and she had been utterly horrified to learn that the Oracles, who were supposed to protect them, had used Esme to kill her and her sisters. This then forced Ray and Athena to start a war against the Oracles that lasted a few decades and ended with the complete destruction of their world and Ray's death because she truly could not live without her daughters.

By the time Iris returned to her timeline, Ray was still watching her...

"M-Maman." Iris had leaped into Ray's arms, her lifeless face still haunting her, and for the first time in her life, she had felt blessed to have these powers because she could change it all and save her.

"I won't let them hurt you, Maman. I won't let anyone lose you. I will save you. I will save Red and Blue and I--" Iris's voice broke, her heart aching now that she knew, and she pulled away before kissing her mother's forehead.

"Your love for us is too much, Maman. You may not survive if you lose us all but... You do not remember me as I do you. You do not know me. So... If I leave, if I pull away, you will survive. And Blue and Red will not have to lose you... I will save you, Maman. I will save you all." Iris had promised her mother, kissing her one last time, and then she moved towards Sybil and Azure before kissing their heads.

"You must be strong, sisters. Maman loves you and she will need you. I-I can not risk her life because I know her love for me. I must protect her and put her to sleep where she can heal without leaving us. It will hurt, I know, but she will be here. She will come back to you. You have my word." Iris had whispered the words that her sisters would never listen, asking for forgiveness she would never get, and then, she had flitted towards the Athena; the one she loved so much that she could not even look at her without it showing.

"I-I must leave now, mother. I must protect our family... These oracles, they do not mean us well and I must remove them from our lives because they will not stop coming after Blue and Red. They fear us. But I will protect you all. I will not let them harm you... Forgive me for what I am about to do, Mother." Iris had not looked up at Athena when she spoke, aware of the fact that her love for her was so strong that she would crumble, and she returned to Lillian; the one who would play an important part in making her family believe what she was about to do.

"You must forgive me for this Lillian. A part of you will remember this moment but you may never be able to speak of it... This will protect you. Do not be afraid. I will keep you safe." Iris had cast a protection spell on Lillian so that her soul may return to her at the right time, and only when she was sure everything was going to work out, she had returned to where she was supposed to be.

"I love you, Maman. I will see you when you are asleep. Do not leave us. Please." With those words and a kiss on her mother's forehead, Iris released the time, and the look in Ray's eyes told her that she had felt the lingering warmth of her kiss against her skin.

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