Chapter 12

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Azure and Sybil were astounded...

"Hello, little sister." Lillian smiled at Azure, her wolf jumping happily at seeing them after so long, and when Sybil and Azure embraced her fiercely, she was quick to hug them back.

"I missed you too, little devils." Lillian had chuckled thickly, holding them as close as she could, and even when Azure pulled away, Sybil did not.

"H-How are you here right now? I-I do not understand. I thought Mama June destroyed the portals I gave you and prohibited you from visiting us ever again." Azure could not hide the pain those words brought her and Lillian had kissed Sybil's head before cupping her face with her free hand.

"Mother does not know that I am here. But that is not important right now, Azure. I am here for something much, much, more important. Your mate." Lillian's words caused Sybil to finally move away and she smiled at the Princess who was quick to make her tears disappear by magic.

"How do you know about Sadie?" Sybil had asked the question her sister wanted to and Lillian glanced at Iris, who was looking at Ray, before replying softly.

"Your mate is in danger, Azure." Lillian told her then, causing Azure's vampire to become feral, and Sybil had felt the same protectiveness, that she felt for her, sister taking over her.

"I was out with a small pack of wolves, surveying the lands, when I smelled blood. Despite knowing that wolves were not welcomed on vampiric lands anymore, I walked in only to find your soldiers and witches dead at the scene. I would not have known about your mate had I not caught her scent. She scented like you and only a mate could have that quality. I could smell her fear, she had been searching for you, and as soon as I realized what had happened, I reached out to Iris because she was the only one I could reach out to without our mothers getting involved." Lillian explained her situation, glancing at Iris again, and while Sybil did her best to control her rage, Azure's vampire was out.

"Who took our mate?" Azure's vampire asked, hungry for revenge, and Lillian noticed Iris turned to her sister from the corner of her eyes while Sybil stood taller.

"Hunters." Lillian spoke carefully, knowing the decades-old war between their kinds, and Azure was gone before they could even blink while Sybil had turned to Iris.

Iris did not even blink when Sybil's sword was at her neck...

"You will not leave this room without giving Ma back to us." Sybil seethed, her eyes glowing in furious red, and she could sense another presence appearing in the room just then; Desdemona.

"Don't tell me you still haven't gotten the spell. How are you her real sisters?" Desdemona mocked, feeling unusually cruel, and when Sybil threw her sword at her, she merely blocked it with a raise of her hand.

"Do not mock me, Desdemona, because, unlike Iris, I will end you no matter how much your appearance appeases me." Sybil warned the evil queen, causing her to scowl, and Lillian placed a hand on her shoulder while Iris remained as silent as always.

"It is not the time to fight, Sybil. Azure needs us. Her mate needs us." Lillian spoke gently, knowing the Princess was hurting, and Sybil gulped harshly before looking into Iris's eyes.

"Lillian, you should go and help Azure. I need to have a word with Iris... Take the evil queen with you please." Sybil's words left no place for argument and Lillian walked out without caring for Desdemona who only left when Iris's eyes found her.

"You have always thought of me as a rule-breaking, arrogant, and egotistical Princess, right? You hate me for all of that right?" Sybil asked her sister, her eyes brimming with hurt and tears, and Iris did not even blink when she lowered her head in defeat.

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