Chapter 2

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I Remember...


"Aria! Aria! Come back here!" June shouted, chasing the giggling girl angrily, and as soon as she was close enough she jumped on her back, causing them to fall.

"Ugh! June, you meanie. You hurt me." Aria whined underneath her, her big forest green eyes brimming with tears, and June grinned widely at her before sticking her tongue out.

"You deserve it. Next time think before stealing my candy." June giggled at the tiny girl's face but as soon as she smelled the scent of blood, her small face contorted into a worried frown while her wolf whined sadly.

"It was just a candy, June. You have so many. I didn't even have one. Why do you always have to be so mean to me?" Aria was crying now and June was watching her guiltily as she cradled her bleeding elbow.

"Let me see," June spoke softly, holding out her hand and Aria gazed at her with those big beautiful eyes to make sure she wasn't going to prank her before finally holding out her bleeding elbow.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." June apologized sincerely, her small fingers removing the dirt from around her wound and Aria cried even more.

"But you always do. You always hurt me. Even when I'm nice to you you're never nice to me." Aria cried childishly, making June's wolf whine even more and she shushed the tiny girl before hugging her in her small arms.

"I'm sorry, Aria. I promise I will not hurt you again. Please stop crying. My wolf doesn't like it when you cry." June apologized in a small voice, holding onto the sobbing girl, and Aria moved away to look at her with those lovely eyes.

"My wolf doesn't like it when you're mean to me too. It gets sad and then I get sad. We like it when you are nice and not mean. Like you are to your friends. Why can't you be my friend too June? Am I not pretty?" Aria asked her in the most innocent voice ever, her eyes turning into her wolf's blue, and June shook her head wildly at her words.

"No! That's not true, Aria. You are pretty. Prettiest of them all. And I want to be your friend too. So much. I promise. It's just that... My wolf likes your wolf too much and my father doesn't want me to be with you because he says you distract me--" June was almost in tears as she tried to explain but then she felt a rough hand grab her by the nape and she found herself struggling against her father's tough hold while hanging in the air.

"What did I tell you, girl?! Didn't you hear me when I said you will stay away from this mutt?" The Alpha King growled and kicked Aria's tiny frame, causing her to faint from the strong hit, and June started growling wildly at her father, her wolf going crazy.

"You dare to growl at your father! I will make sure to teach you to never even dare to do that again!" The Alpha King roared at his daughter viciously, but his voice did not affect June as she was only looking at Aria.

"The next time I see your mutt near my daughter would be the last time she's alive. Take her away." The Alpha King barked at Aria's scared mother who whimpered before quickly taking her daughter's limp form away and June's tiny frame slackened in his hold.

"Time for you to learn some manners." He snarled at his daughter and June knew she was going to be beaten up once again; that's how it usually went— she wasn't wrong.

"I want you to make sure that her wolf never feels a thing when that mutt is around. I will not have my heritage polluted by that filthy mutt and her disease. My daughter will marry the alpha male I will choose for her. Not that insignificant mutt." June heard her father's hatred-filled voice muttering to someone and she winced in pain as she tried to get a look at who it was but her back was bleeding and her wolf needed to rest so she closed her eyes when she saw several shadows surrounding her.

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