Chapter 35

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Antonia woke up rejuvenated...

"Mate is here!" Her vampire yelled happily inside her head, sounding happy and overly cheery, and Antonia was about to tell her to stop dreaming when she felt the unmistakable feeling of her mate's arms pulling her closer.

"How are you feeling, Mate?" The vampire had asked lowly, their voice grumpy for some reason, and Antonia's eyes opened at once only to widen when she found herself gazing at Iris's groggy face; a sight she fell in love with at once.

"Iris." Antonia whispered, unable to believe that she was actually here, and the vampire grumbled deeply before squeezing her even more; as if they couldn't stand to even a breath away from her.

"Do not speak of that insolent fool. She made you sad. She made you cry. She made you suffer alone--" The vampire's voice got deeper, their magic buzzing dangerously, and as soon as Antonia placed a warm hand on their cheek, they stilled like the ocean.

"Don't. Please... It was my decision to take her pain away and not tell her. You must not blame her, please. I... It's the least I could have done for her after everything." Back in her mate's arms, Antonia was able to read her mind and see their memories again, and the vampire had growled lowly before sighing when their mate caressed their cheek; unable to resist her.

"You do not owe us anything, Mate. We will do it all over for you. A million times over. You are our mate. Our soul. We would always love and cherish you." The vampire had sounded soft then, their words causing Antonia to blush, and they sighed in relief when they didn't feel any pain from their mate.

"You... You are so different from, Iris. She is quiet but you're not. Even in our memories, Iris has always needed a little push from you when we first interacted." Antonia whispered, softly and in wonder, gold bleeding into her beautiful eyes, and the vampire had growled lowly as they pulled her in again; everything about them screaming possessiveness and protectiveness.

"It has been our curse. The knowledge of every life with you... We always know who you are to us and what you will become. So, in every life, Iris had found herself feeling unworthy of you and she had needed our help. This life is not any different. She is being tenacious again." The vampire and their magic were mad at Iris, growling at her to let her know, and something about that had made Antonia giggle; a sound so delightful that all three of them became entranced by it.

"You sound like Iris is a child and you have to babysit her." Antonia explained the reason behind her sudden burst of giggles, a blush dusting her olive skin, and Iris's heart ached for their precious mate while her magic and vampire seemed pleased yet irritated.

"We feel like it too. I and our magic. Should you wish you blame, blame Iris. She is the one not allowing us to be with you." The vampire's words were accompanied by their magic, their eyes glowing in a white hue, and Antonia pressed her face against their chest as she curled up; her pain reaching them easily.

"She hates me, doesn't she? She wants to reject me but you won't let her. She... You should let her reject me, Mate. I--" Antonia's voice shook, her eyes tearing up again, and when her mate's hands cupped her face; she didn't dare look into her eyes; terrified.

"Look at me, Nia." Antonia had been shocked to hear Iris's voice speaking to her for the first time, obeying her within a heartbeat, and as soon as she looked into her golden eyes, she was gone.

"How can you even speak such a thing, Nia? How could you think, even for a second, that I can hate you? You-- You are everything to me, Nia. You and the children we are going to have are the only reason I am still here. There is no me without you. I am because of you, for you, and without you, I am a nonentity. I do not exist if not for loving you and cherishing you, my Nia." Iris's voice was heavy and thick with passion and devotion, her eyes bleeding with it too, and Antonia could do nothing but gawk at her mate; completely sure she was dreaming again.

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