Chapter 13

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Athena did not want to come back...

"Welcome home, My Queen." The maids greeted their vampire queen, causing her to nod tiredly, and Presley had smiled at the poor maidens who looked worried sick for her.

"Thank you for accompanying me, Presley. You should rest now. I am sure you and your mate must be tired of the long journey. I shall see you tomorrow morning." Athena had spoken, sounding as detached as she had been since Ray was taken from her, and Presley sighed softly before speaking while her mate left with the maidens.

"Will you see them now?" Presley had asked, not caring if she was crossing a line, and Athena's body tensed at her words but she did not turn to look at her.

"It's been years, Athena. How long will you punish them for something they did not even do? They are your daughters. Your blood. And I know you well enough to know that even if - by some miracle - Ray forgives you for abandoning them, you won't and it will maim you for the rest of your life. You are the Vampire Queen and the rest of your life surmounts to eternity, Athena." Presley had tried, like many times before, to reach out to her but Athena was not listening and she walked away from her without another word.

Once she reached the chamber where Ray had been resting for the last six years, Athena paused and closed her eyes; visualizing her wife being alive and well on the other side of the door. Ray would have jumped into her arms, as soon as she walked through the doors, complaining about being left behind for the last four months, and then she would have moved away only to smack her with her small hands. But then, when all anger would have left her frame and only love would remain, Ray would kiss her as if it were their last and pull them to their bed before compelling her to make love to her, to tell her just how much she missed her too, and she would not let them stop until the sun would have risen in the sky and the birds would have chirped the songs of their love to them.

Athena's heart ailed and her inner vampire remained unresponsive...

"I miss you, sweet Elle." Athena had whispered, pressing her forehead on the door as tears sprung to her eyes, and after taking a while to gather her emotions, she finally entered the room.

"Hello, sweet Elle. I am back. I would have loved nothing more than to tell you that I found a cure for your spell but, as it turns out, I failed. Again. Although, you must not be surprised by my failure considering it's been six years but--" Athena had started speaking as soon as she entered the chamber, afraid of the silence, and she would not have stopped if she did not realize something.

Athena could not feel Ray...

"Elle." Athena's inner vampire trembled with fear, scared that they have lost their mate for good, and when she was too weak to pull the curtains back from her bed, they did; only to find an empty space where their mate was.

"Where. Is. Our. Mate?" Now that they knew someone took their mate, Athena and her vampire were beyond furious, and their anger alerted everyone in the castle that their Queen was missing.

"Athena! What is-- Where is Ray? Who took her?" Presley had looked sick when she didn't find Ray and she had asked her mate, Bridget, a light witch to track her at once.

"I-I know where she is." Bridget informed Athena and Presley, scared of the vampire before her, and as soon as the words left her mouth, the Vampire Queen was gone.

In the Werewolf Kingdom, June had just found out about Lillian...

"Aria! Aria! Vera! Lois! Aster!" June had yelled like a maniac, pacing in front of her throne, and the women came rushing inside; terrified of what must have happened.

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