Chapter 32

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Ray smiled at the sight before her...

"She looks so peaceful with you at her side." Ray whispered through their bond, her heart so full of love as she gazed at Iris sleeping with her head on her mother's lap, and Athena leaned down to kiss her forehead; feeling blessed to be able to have her this close.

"It feels so surreal, to have her near me again... It feels like a dream and I'm terrified of waking up." Athena replied just as softly, running her fingers through Iris's short hair, and Ray kissed their daughter's hand that she refused to let go of while they sat on her bed in her castle in the North.

"It is not a dream. Goddess has heard our prayers and given us our baby back and I am never going to let her leave us again." Ray told her mate solemnly yet lovingly, pressing their daughter's hand to her chest, and Athena merely smiled as she nodded; content.

"Why are our mothers acting like we're invisible?" Sybil whispered to Azure, making sure her mothers could listen to her, and Ray gave her an unamused look while Athena and Azure ignored her; their eyes on Iris.

"You have had the chance of being babied by your mothers for over a century, my love. It's Iris's turn now. So let them be." Sin's voice replied through their bond even when she wasn't in the room and Ray could tell Sybil was talking to her mate just by the look on her face which made her sad.

"She has not talked to her or even looked at her. Not even once. It has been a week since she's been back and... It worries me deeply." Ray's words caught everyone's attention, their eyes finding Iris who had only slept when Athena was there, and Azure's heart ached for her sister while Sybil merely sighed.

"We need to give her time, Elle... It is nothing short of a miracle that our Iris survived a century of that pain. I can not even dream of living a day like that." Athena sounded pained then, her heart aching for her sweet daughter, and Iris shifted in her sleep only to grab onto her hand; sensing her turmoil even when asleep.

It made them all smile lovingly at Iris...

"I understand, Athena, but Antonia is her mate, and no matter how much you all despise what she has unknowingly done to Iris, we must not forget that Iris can never truly move on from the past if she does not forgives her mate and lets her in. She is hurting." Ray was as wise as ever when it came to her daughters, and Athena knew she was right; just like Azure did.

"Iris never gave up on me and my mate. Even when I was a lost cause and she had no idea that Goddess gave me my Sadie back, she had protected Genevieve and saved her. Even if it meant going against everything and hurting me... I have faith in her too, Mama. I believe that Iris can fight whatever is holding her back and find it in herself to let Antonia in again. She loves her so deeply that even I fail to comprehend the degree of her devotion." Azure sounded as proud of her sister as Sybil seemed, and Athena kissed Iris's head again while Ray nodded with a timid smile.

"I believe that too. I just wish she does not have to suffer so. I just want our daughter to be happy." Ray kissed her daughter's palm lovingly, her heart full, and when Sybil rested her cheek against her shoulder, she chuckled before kissing her cheek.

Azure smiled at her family; complete at last...

"I should go and check on Genevieve. Ever since she got her memories back, she has refused to leave Kahlan's side and I don't think the poor angel can handle her anymore." Azure told her family as she got up to leave, her words making Sybil snort as she rested her head on Ray's lap, and with one last look at her family, she walked away.

"...and I told Azure that I didn't care if she were a powerful vampire and I a mere mortal. I was her fucking wife and I wanted her to make love to me! And guess what? She had to give in!" Genevieve sounded like she was giving a speech when she spoke, and Azure shook her head at her words while Kahlan, Sin, Vera, Aster, Blanche, and Presley listened to her like obedient students.

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