Chapter 17

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"...and now, by the power invested in me, I pronounce you wife and wife. You may now kiss your brides!" Kelly had yelled happily, causing the huge crowd of guests to burst into cheers when the new couple kissed, and Ray was crying happily while Athena held her.

"I love you, Mrs. Howard" Sadie whispered against her wife's mouth, causing her vampire to purr proudly, and Sybil had cheered the loudest before hugging the newlyweds while Lillian grinned at them.

"Welcome to the family, Sadie dearest." Ray had stepped forward then, pulling her favorite human into her arms, and Athena hugged Azure strongly; congratulating her.

And then, Athena addressed her peers...

"Today is one of the luckiest days of my life. My beautiful daughter, Azure, has blessed us by marrying our most beloved Sadie and making her a part of the Frost family. Today, we the supernaturals, welcome our dearest human, Sadie into our lives as Princess Sadie Marionette Howard Frost." Athena announced proudly, causing every supernatural present to cheer happily, and Kelly had been in awe of the large and special populace.

"Long live Princess Azure! Long live Princess Sadie!" The crowds had chanted with passion, Sadie giggling at the amazed look on Kelly's face, and Athena had waved at their people with June standing proudly at her side.

"I take my words back, Sadie. Your secret marriage in our backyard can never beat the ceremony your mothers-in-law threw for you." Kelly whispered to her daughter, making her smirk, and when she heard others chuckling too, she remembered their superhearing.

"I am glad you liked the ceremony, Kelly. It only took Ma one year to plan it." Sybil had joked, whining as soon as Ray smacked her arm, and Sadie laughed at their interaction; already in love with her new family.

"I needed time because I wanted to make sure that Sadie would love it. I had to stay in the human world to study marriage just to ensure everything was perfect. It's not every day you marry your daughter." Ray had glared at her daughter, causing Sybil to coo teasingly, and Athena glared at their daughter when she wouldn't stop messing with her sweet mother.

"Let us all join the guests in the banquet hall. Lillian, please tell Lois to bring Sadie's siblings back. I am sure they must have gotten tired of riding on a werewolf's back." June chuckled as she spoke, causing Sadie to feel embarrassed, and Kelly had laughed before following the royal families while Azure didn't move.

Azure's eyes held a sadness that Sadie has seen way too often...

"If it hurts you so, why did you not invite her? It's been so many years since you left this world. Maybe she is changed now." Sadie whispered softly, pulling on her royal gown so she could move closer to her wife, and Azure clenched her jaw before shaking her head.

"I can't. I can't betray Antonia by going back to the woman who murdered her unborn child and then cursed her to be infertile by marking her. I... It has been years, yes, but our wounds are still fresh and she has not changed. Just last week Sybil and her soldiers rescued the remaining humans from the village that her people attacked. Those humans were so scared that they could not even describe their attack and... I won't let her back again so she can betray us. She has what she's always needed. Unparallel power and no one to stop her. She never needed us. And now we don't need her." Azure finalized solemnly, her expressions hard, and Sadie sighed heavily before letting her walk away.

Maybe it was Sadie's goodness of heart that made her pity Iris...

After the wedding ceremony of the first of their firstborns, Athena and Ray had spent the next three days celebrating the new couple with their friends and families, and before they knew it, it was time for them to go. Ray knew that Azure had made a life for herself in the mortal realm, one where she was happier than she had ever been, and even when she missed her every moment of every day and time was different in their worlds, she knew her daughter did not belong in their world anymore. So, she let her go, just like she always had, and prayed to Goddess that she protected her and her mate.

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