Chapter 18

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I apologize in advance.

TW; Death. Suicide attempt.


Sadie was 57 years old when she was diagnosed with Alzheimer's...

"Will I forget my family? Will I... Will I forget my wife?" Sadie had asked, broken and afraid, and her doctor had given her a sad smile before nodding gently.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Frost. I would like to recommend some good..." The doctor's voice trailed off as he continued to share names of old age homes, ones that would be willing to look after her, but Sadie couldn't hear him and she had opted to leave his office.

"Sadie? Honey, is that you?" Azure's voice called out as soon as she closed the door, causing her heart to break, and when her beautiful mate walked up to welcome her as she always did, she felt like she was seeing her for the first time all over again.

"I missed you so much that I made your favorite cookies for you-- Wait. What's wrong? Why are your lashes wet? Have you been crying?" Azure, the ever-observant and caring, had noticed at once and when Sadie had thrown herself against her chest, she held her back at once.

"Sadie, honey, what's wrong? You're scaring us. You know how your Snappy gets when you are upset. Please tell me." Azure begged sweetly, carrying her wife inside, and Sadie had been so terrified of losing her.

Sadie never wanted to forget her mate...

But she had been brave when she told her the truth and Azure had been as loving, understanding and patient as she had been since day one. After talking for hours, discussing what the disease meant and how it will change their lives, Azure had held her mate in her arms and promised Sadie that she would never let her forget her; the one thing that she had been scared of the most. After that day, Azure became even more protective of her mate, and when she had begged Sadie to let her siblings take over the company; her stubborn and strong mate had finally agreed. Azure had held Sadie's hand as she broke down the news to her sibling, and her heart had become warm when they all offered their help eagerly.

They, of course, did not require any help and Azure had built a small cottage at the outskirts of town, where nobody would bother them, before moving in with her loving wife. Their small home became a little piece of heaven on earth for them and Sadie had had the time of her life decorating it with Sybil's magic. Every day Sadie would wake up in the morning, finding her heart racing at the sight of her beautiful mate, and she would wake her up with a good morning kiss which would then turn into something more. All day, every day, the mates spent time together, doing things they never got the chance to - dancing in their kitten to Sadie's favourite songs, or sharing childhood stories - and enjoyed each other's company.

Although, time is a wicked frenemy...

Because as it went by, Sadie's disease started to get worse and her mind started weakening her slowly. She couldn't count the times she had had to refuse Sybil's magical help in healing her and every time the Princess would leave angrily, hurting, only to return with her favorite ice cream and her mate. There were days when Sadie would be completely fine, doing all the house chores despite her mate telling her she didn't have to, and she would even cook for them while Azure remained at her side. But then there were days when she would forget where the sugar was or wake up from her afternoon nap only to forget where she was. It had pained Azure, so much so that there are no words to describe it, but she had remained strong and not left her wife's side.

One fall day, Azure found Sadie sitting on their porch swing...

"What are you doing out here, sweetheart? Aren't you cold?" Azure had fussed, throwing a blanket around her mate, and Sadie sighed happily as she rested her head on her shoulder; looking at the beautiful fall scene before her.

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