Chapter 15

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Antonia smiled at the little girl who gave her the potion...

"Princess Azure has assured me that no harm will come to us but I still want you all to take this potion. It will help." Antonia told her people, causing them to smile thankfully, and just as she gulped it, Desdemona appeared before her.

"We need to leave. Now." Desdemona hissed at the hunter, grabbing her wrist, and before Antonia could even blink she was standing in the same chamber as before.

"What is happening? Why have you brought me here? I need to be with my people. I can not leave them there." Antonia said, angry at the godly woman, and Desdemona was quick to pull out a vial before handing it to her.

"Stop talking and drink this. Hurry." Desdemona hissed, looking behind her in fear of her anchor, and Antonia scowled at the woman before stepping away; not willing to trust her.

"Why? What is it? Why do you need me to drink this?" Antonia asked sharply, her hunter instincts kicking in, and Desdemona was just about ready to force the liquid down her throat; scared for the unborn child.

"If you want your baby to live then drink it. I did not know you were with a child when Iris asked me to--" Desdemona sounded panicked, her eyes pooling with tears, and Antonia's heart stopped; her words making her freeze.

"What did you do?" Antonia asked, horror striking her mercilessly, and Desdemona grumbled before grabbing the potion only to force it down her throat; ignoring the hunteress.

As soon as the vial was empty, Desdemona was attacked...

"What did you do?!" Iris had yelled into Desdemona's head, grabbing her mate's thrashing body in her arms, and Antonia tried to push her away only to be unable to move her arms.

"I saved her. I-I saved her baby. I will not let you harm the child, Iris." Desdemona choked out, coughing blood as her anchor's wrath rained on her, and Antonia cried helplessly as she looked in the white eyes that were full of fury.

"Save her, Iris. Save my Tulip." Antonia had whispered weakly, losing consciousness, and then she succumbed to the darkness; the sound of her mate's voice too far away.

While Iris's plans were ruined, Ray returned Azure and Sybil.. 

"...and Azure had paint all over her hands while Iris merely stood there, as silent as ever, and do not even make me tell you what Sybil did--" Ray's joyous voice was cut off when she noticed the looks on her daughters' faces, and Sadie had known, she had just known that something terrible had happened.

"Where is Iris, Azura? Where is your sister? Did she leave to see her mate?" Ray had ignored the feeling in her gut, opting to have hope, but it shattered as soon as Azure looked in her eyes, and her heart sunk.

"She betrayed us, Ma. She stole my magic when I was begging her to bring my mate back. She... She threatened Azure and her mate. She... She is gone, Ma. She is gone and she is never coming back." Sybil told her mother, sounding broken yet numb, and Ray had stumbled slightly only to be caught by Athena who had heard everything.

"N-No, that... Iris would never hurt you like that. She loves you both so much. Do you not remember? She loves you! Iris loves you! She... She loves you. She loves us. She..." Ray's voice drifted off into nothingness, her heart in pieces, and Athena held her mate as she sobbed while Sadie approached Azura.

"Azure--" Sadie was surprised when her mate hugged her all of a sudden, crying silently against her shoulder, and Sybil had blindingly reached over before grabbing Elsa's hand to seek strength.

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