Chapter 25

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Iris was condemned from the start...

"... it's okay, everything is going to be okay. I will not let anyone hurt you. I have spent so many nights just to have you, my babies, and now that you are here, I won't let anyone take you from me. I love you. I love you so much, my babies." These words, spoken by Ray with fear and happiness, were the first thing that Iris remembered; her first memory of this life.

"Hello, children. I am Queen Athena Frost of the Vampire Kingdom. I, uh, I am your mother... Your Mama wishes for me to speak to you because she thinks you can understand and hear us and she is frowning at me right now so... I know I have not been the best and I apologize for my unpreparedness for your arrival in our lives... But I promise you, little angels, that I will protect you and love you and I will never disappoint you or your mama again... We are already in love with you and we can not wait to hold you in our arms. We... We love you. So much. And we are waiting for you." Those were the first words Iris remembered Athena saying to them, her voice shaky yet honest, and she could feel the warmth of her love even when she was still inside Ray's womb.

Iris had magic in her very essence...

Had she not been cursed with infinite knowledge and a soul older than the ages, Iris would have died inside the safety of her mother's womb from the plethora of it all. But she had been strong from the start, understanding that she needed to hold on so that they could all live and not let go. When Ray's body started to weaken, threatening her life and theirs, she had used her magic and kept the little angels beside her warm and alive until her family found a way out. It had been Iris and her magic that used Athena's blood, regulating it inside Ray's body so that she may survive, and provided for the other two so that they may unearth the deep magic waiting to be ripened inside them too. Before knowing their names, they were Blue and Red to her, and Iris had always felt more drawn to Red, feeding her her portion of Athena's blood, since she developed her magic the last.

When the time came, Iris had been the one to protect them from the hunters...

On that ominous day, Iris had found herself, for the first time, feeling incompetent because her magic was not enough to save them all and she had known that Ray loved the women with them so she could not let them die. It was also the day she had siphoned the magic from one of her sisters, Blue, for the first time, hoping that it could be enough, and even when she finally managed to get them to safety - listening and feeling everything through Ray - she had not felt relieved until they were finally in the world with their mothers. Although, Iris was depleted and overly tired as her infant body could not handle all that magic, the sight of Athena had eased her at once and she allowed herself to rest for the first time since she came to.

Iris realized The Almighty was aware of her predicament when she saw them...

"You are going to do great things, dear child. And you are going to suffer. I wish it did not have to be this way but you must find it in your heart to stay when no one will. You must hold on to love, Iris, and you must protect those who do not know they need protection. You must leave to make them strong and you must return to help them fight. You are the only one who can save this world and everyone in it. I shall look after you while you look after them." The Almighty's words had been a whisper in her mind, meant only for her, and Iris had merely watched as they blessed them with their unmatched powers; giving her enough to save the world.

Iris had seldom wished they gave her enough to save herself too...

"Athena, can you hold Iris for a while? I need to feed these two and Sybil will not stop crying. I can only imagine what kind of toddler she will be." Ray had begged her mate, her words making Iris alert, and as soon as Athena had her in her arms, her spirit was warm again.

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