6 .𝑩𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒋𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚.

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Russell Kilpatrick stares at the masked figure standing at his door and he freezes, fear washing over him but he still tries to keep him voice even as he answers.

"Q-questions? What questions?"

"What can you tell me about Emerson Prescott and Connie Prescott?" Silver Hitter folds his arms over his chest, somehow the stance is ten times more intimidating and he hasn't taken a step forward.

"I'm sorry but that's-"

"If you say client confidentiality, then I'm putting a gun in your mouth and shooting your brains out."

"I..I can't say anything about that matter-"

"Just because you worded it differently, it doesn't mean that you didn't say what I warned you not to say." Hitter now takes a step forward and the lawyer takes a few rushed steps away from him.

"They've been my clients for the past four decades okay? I'm handling Connie's will right now which I helped her arrange when she found out that she was dying."

"What killed her?"


"Sad...tell me about James Davenport and why she's in the will."

Kilpatrick lowers his head, then looks back up as though all the breath has been knocked out of him. "Connie wanted to leave her daughter what she couldn't give her while she was still alive."


"Yes, daughter. James Davenport...what do you know about that? I've been in search of her with no way to get into contact but if you know-"

"Nothing." Turning, Hitter makes his way back through the door he came and makes his way to the emergency stairway, rushing down them while texting his sister.

Jamie is Connie's daughter. Well, after Yasmine of course. So biologically.

Crow: Holy crap!!! We have to tell her before this lawyer guy can get to Jamie. We don't know if they know the bios.

Yeah I know. Tomorrow.


The next day, Wolf and Crow make their way into Yasmine's home, letting themselves in with their keys before running upstairs and knocking on her office door, pushing it open and Yasmine looks up at them, surprise crossing her features before she gives a wide smile.

"Bird, Fur Ball." She stands and pulls Crow into a hug, giving Wolf's shoulder a squeeze which he pulls her hand in his and gives it a light kiss. "What a lovely surprise. My my. To what do I owe this surprise?"

"Sadly, we come with bad news, not just a friendly visit." Crow folds her arms and looks at her brother to take the lead. He sighs.

"Yasmine we-"

The door opens and Wolf is quick to turn away and tug his mask up over his mouth and nose. He makes sure to carry it just in case he comes into close contact with someone who could recognise him.

Turning back around, he finds Jamie standing there and her eyes move between him and his younger sister then her eyes roll.


"Actually sugar, please wait." Jamie looks over at her mom and folds her arms over her chest. "Since you are here, I wanted to introduce you to Hitter's sister Crow. She's also been watching over you for some time remember?"

"Hi Jamie, it's nice to finally meet you." Crow smiles gently and Jamie's eyes move to the dark haired female, with an extremely beautiful, high cheekbone face, her hands in the pockets of her blazer and she nods.

Silver HitterWhere stories live. Discover now