21.𝑊ℎ𝑜'𝑠 𝑡𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 ℎ𝑒𝑟.

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Leaving her driver in the car, Jamie climbs out and jogs inside her house, unlocking the door before continuing upstairs to get her sniper equipment. Once she has her hands wrapped around the briefcase holding the stuff she needs, Jamie heads back out, seeing her driver Anne sitting in the passenger seat of her car still.

Bending over in front of the car, Jamie opens the trunk of her car and lowers the case inside, before going over to the driver's side and sits on the door, her hands on either side of her as she swings her legs over, settling into the car all without opening the door, then she starts the car and tugs her seatbelt around her body, glancing at her reflection in the mirror for a minute.

All she sees is a woman on a mission, one with no problems or personal life to affect her decisions or choices. She smirks. It's funny how much can be hidden behind a curtain of two eyes because in that moment, there's an entire show.


Having tracked down the name of the person Kimmy sent her, Jamie stares at the man now through the window of a coffee shop, through her windshield, not the bit phased by the stares of attention seekers who try to grab her attention because of the flashy vehicle she's in as well as her entire being.

Expensive sunglasses and jewelry on a beautiful young woman can attract quite the attention in the mediocre neighbourhood, as well as a five hundred million dollar vehicle in the form of a metallic silver.

"Okay. Let's drive back around the block. I'll come back by foot and take care of my business before texting you to come pick me up." Jamie tells her driver who nods silently. Shifting the gear to pull back onto the road, Jamie then slowly this time, makes her way around a smooth turn, leaning back in her seat and steering relaxedly.

"I should be back in about fifteen okay?" Jamie tells Anne and the driver nods, sitting up when Jamie leans over and opens the glove compartment, taking out well —a pair of white leather gloves. "Be waiting behind the wheel with the engine running and ready to go when I come out." Once the gloves at covering her hands and fingers, Jamie climbs out of the car again and walks around to the front of the car and opens the trunk, pulling out the thin, long black suitcase she placed in there earlier, which she holds to her side while shutting the trunk.

Walking calmly down the street of the café, Jamie considers her options then decides on an apartment building with lots of windows to choose from. Stopping outside the building of apartments, Jamie sets her bag down next to her Christian Louboutin pumps then pulls out her phone and presses dial on Kimmy.

She answers on the third ring. "Little Candy. I was just about to change my number." Jamie smiles, slipping her hand in the pocket of her white trousers.

"Which window of the apartment building would you squat by for a café hit. I'm at..." Jamie checks her location then lets her acomplice know.

"Eighth flour. Room---"

"Fifteen." Jamie's eyes zero in on that specific window as she calculates in her mind just how accurate she could get her shot without being detected or guessed.

"Exactly. Need any more help?"

"I'm good." Bringing her phone down, Jamie hangs up then picks up her bag, watching as someone approaches the apartment building, her heels clicking against the slightly busy sidewalk. Tucking her hair behind her ear, Jamie smiles at the female at the door as she lets herself in with a designated key.

Taking her jacket off, Jamie watches the woman slip inside and she flings the arm of her white leather jacket so it wedges itself in before the door can close, stepping forward and yanking the door open, Jamie slips inside and lets it swing shut behind her.

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