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"No no! Aghh!! Come on!!" Beomgyu shouts, raging a bit after his Valorant teammate missed his shots.

Spike rush really wasn't it for him today. Logging off, he checks the time on his 'digital clock' before turning it on 'do not disturb' mode and shoving it into his pocket.

Just two more minutes and the bus will arrive. With that, Beomgyu hurries himself out of his room and to the kitchen. He grabbed his lunch box and bagged breakfast before opening the garage door.

A minute left. He closed the garage once he stepped outside and walked over to the bus stop which was the grass to the left of his driveway.

The kids already there just stared at him as he walked over to them. Every day, Beomgyu would have the same schedule of gaming before going to the bus stop and since it was right outside his house, he didn't have to worry.

The kids that had the same bus stop as him used to be startled whenever he opened the garage, but they're used to it by now. Well, except this one kid he saw who was startled.

Beomgyu thought for a bit. The kid didn't look familiar to him at all. Must be a new person coming to his school.

Getting on the bus, that same new kid stole his spot on the bus, aka, exact middle seat on the left side.

Beomgyu is an extroverted person, but when it comes to school, he just can't seem to speak to anyone. So, an introvert at school but an extrovert elsewhere.

He stared at the boy in his seat for a good two seconds before sighing and going to the next available seat. Oh wait, there is none. He looked around the bus, hoping his eyes missed an empty seat somewhere, but no.

Then the bus starts moving, making him trip into his seat with the kid inside too which made him land on his lap. He gasps at the feeling of something sharp hitting his thigh.

A painful whine came out of his mouth, everyone hearing it but not paying any attention to him besides the boy who he still was laying on.

"Are you ok?" Beomgyu thought he heard the voice of an Angel all of a sudden. He looks up at the new boy with a nod, his painful expression giving him away.

The boy leaned over him, making Beomgyu close his eyes from being embarrassed or flustered. Either one works.

"You're not fine, your thigh is bleeding." The boy pulls Beomgyu closer to examine his thigh. He then pulled out an aid kit somewhere inside his backpack and took good care of that. "There was a loose metal piece coming out from under the seat, they should really get that fixed." He continued.

"Th-Thank you.." Beomgyu stutters, frowning when he did.

"It's no problem. What's your name?" The boy asks.

"I'm.. people call me Game boy.." he said.

"Oh, you're Game boy. I've heard about you.. Well, nice to meet you, I'm Taehyun. People don't call me anything besides Taehyun." He chuckles.

"Ah, really? Well.. can I call you Taehyunie?"

"Sure! It's nice having a nickname for once."

The bus comes to a stop at the school.

"Well, it was nice meeting you, Taehyunie. I'll be going now." Beomgyu bows to him after getting up, leaving the bus after others in front of him do.

Without looking back, he thought to himself some more. Was that Taehyun kid new or has he just never seen him before? Why is he asking himself that? Because Taehyun knows who Game boy is, and only inside the school knows of this.

After all, everyone just loves to pick on the Game boy.

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