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They leave Beomgyu's room and enter his parent's room. Beomgyu's dad was taking a bunch of stuff out of their drawers.

"Dad? What are you doing?"

"Oh! I'm packing up some things cause I'm almost ready to get the move on for work again!" He replied.

Beomgyu frowns. His dad wasn't supposed to leave this early, so he is confused. Suspicion arises all over him.

"Hey, you guys must be hungry, I'll make dinner!"

And so, he hurries down the stairs, Beomgyu and Taehyun follow behind slowly.

About an hour later, the front door opens and in comes Beomgyu's mother. The three boys were now sitting around the dining table as they were waiting for her to show up.

Beomgyu's dad had cooked up an amazing meal for the four and couldn't wait for everyone to eat up.

Though, this surprised Beomgyu. His dad never cared for his mom. It's making him look like a liar from what he had told Taehyun.

"Ah, honey, welcome home!" His dad exclaimed, taking the surprised wife's bag and setting it down.

"Uhm, thank you, but is your head ok?" Beomgyu's mom whispered.

"Everything's good! Come, sit."

She sat down next to the two boys already at the table. Beomgyu's dad then serves their freshly made steak, eggs, rice, kimchi, and tteokbokki. He also gave Beomgyu's mom a glass of wine and the two boys some apple juice.

"Ah, thank you!" Beomgyu's mom said.

"Anything for you, honey." And with that, Beomgyu's dad left.

"..mom why is he suddenly being like this towards you? He never calls you honey!" Beomgyu asked after a long silence.

"I have no idea, sweetie." She said with a confused look on her face.

"Well it's great isn't it?" Taehyun questioned.

"Yes, great. But sooo weird holy cow. He kinda being suspicious.." Beomgyu states.

"Let's- let's just eat up kids." She says before taking a piece of the steak. "W-Woah that's really good!"

"Hm? I wanna try." Beomgyu eats the steak. "Mm~ Dad's a really good chef!"

"Imma eat this Tteokbokki!" Taehyun takes a piece and eats it. "Yummy!"

They dig in quickly and soon the plates and bowls were empty.

Surprisingly, he made some yummy food. He has never actually made dinner before.

Beomgyu's mom takes a sip of her wine.

Suddenly, Beomgyu's mom got a call. "Hello?"

"Yes, is this Mrs. Yumi Choi?" (Lol random name.)

"Uhm, yes it is. What's wrong?" She replied.

"Your husband, Mr. Sookha Choi, has been assassinated. He is with us now."

"..oh." That was all she could say before hanging up.

Silence went upon them until a thud was heard from upstairs. Literally, what was he doing?

Beomgyu and Taehyun looked wearily at each other. The phone had been on speaker, so they heard everything. Beomgyu and his mom were hurt by this, but they had something else to worry about.

Who the hell was the man in their house?

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