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Beomgyu gulped. "Guys.. my room.. now.." he whispered.

They agree and quickly run down to Beomgyu's room. They lock it and enter Beomgyu's closet for some secrecy.

"A-About your dad and- well I'm sorry for you guy's loss.." Taehyun said.

"..I'm unhappy, but I'm glad at the same time.." Beomgyu's mom mumbled.

Beomgyu frowned. "He wasn't the best husband.. so I get where you come from."

"Hey, just ignore it for now hun, we have bigger things to worry about right now."

They stay silent for a while to think of what to say, about the man upstairs in Beomgyu's parent's room.

"We should tell the cops." Taehyun states.

"Or even better, become a detective!" Beomgyu made an :o face.

The two boys then started arguing on why Beomgyu can or cannot be a detective.

"Let's go." Beomgyu's mom said, interrupting the two and standing up. She wasn't giving them any details on where they were going though.

So the two boys followed her out Beomgyu's window and towards her car. She then drove them to the hospital.

At the front desk area, she asked where her deceased husband was.

They enter the room for the dead.

"Oh.. my.." Beomgyu's mom whispered, tears in her eyes.

"He really is dead.." Beomgyu whispered to himself.

They could see everything. He had 2 holes in his chest and there was a red fading mark on his neck that looks like he was strangled. There was also a few patched up cuts on his face, arms, chest and legs. Bunch of bruises too. He definitely fought back.

Detective Beomgyu was on the case. Based on his many detective skills in video games, he checked his dad's finger nails for any signs of him scratching the killer.

Boom. There are blood fibers underneath his nails. Wonder who those could be?

"Do a DNA test on the blood in his finger nails." Beomgyu said to the nurse in the room.

"What?" She questioned, startled a bit since she wasn't paying attention to their reunion.

"I said, do a DNA test on the blood in his finger nails. I believe he scratched the killer somewhere, so this has to be a clue!"

"Oh my, you have good eyes." The nurse said, scanning his dad's fingers.

"Heh, not really. I just play a lot of video games, murder mystery's being one of them." He states.

The nurse nods and tells them to leave as they bring him to the testing room. No idea why they didn't do any tests on him before, but now they are.

In the waiting room, the two boys were having a very heartfelt conversation about puppies and kittens and which were better. They both think cats are way better.

Beomgyu feels something heavy on his shoulder. Looking over, he sees his mom passed out, her face really pale and she was twitching.

This made him worried. "Tae, call the nurse. My mom doesn't.. look well.." he said.

"That's.. ok" Taehyun got up and ran to find a nurse.

Few minutes passed and Beomgyu's mom was now gasping for air, making him panic.

"Please hurry.." he whispered.

Seconds later Taehyun came with a nurse, her face shocked as she saw Beomgyu's mom's state.

"We need to get her in a room, fast!" The nurse exclaimed, picking up his mom and rushing her to someplace else.

Beomgyu and Taehyun followed after her.

Everything was just getting worse each second.

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