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School was very boring. Nothing interesting had happen. So the two boys are now going home, aka Beomgyu's house.

Beomgyu and Taehyun went in through the garage, taking their things straight to Beomgyu's room and chucking it in the closet.

They then go over to the kitchen for Beomgyu to make a quick snack before they head over to Taehyun's house to grab things and then go to the park. That was their plan for today.

Sucks that their plans would be canceled soon.

"Beomgyu~ Who's you friend?" A voice called from behind them, making Beomgyu drop his crackers from being surprised.

"Dad! Uh, this is Taehyun." Beomgyu exclaimed. He did an awkward chuckle before picking up the mess of crackers.

"Hi?" Taehyun greets.

"Hello, Taehyun." Beomgyu's dad says in a sweet tone. "You must be Beomgyu's friend."

"Of course. What else would I be?" Taehyun jokes with a shrug.

"So, whatchu making Beom?" His dad asks.

"Oh! I'm making marshy-mallow crackers." Beomgyu smiled. "Want some?"

"Of course~" and so Beomgyu's dad hung out with the two in the kitchen.

Soon, Beomgyu finished the 'marshy-mallow crackers'. He gave some to Taehyun and his dad then left to his room.

"What's your real relationship with my son?" Beomgyu's dad suddenly asked Taehyun.

"Uhm.. friends?" Taehyun said in a very unbelievable tone.

"Uhuh, so you two weren't kissing this morning." He stated, making Taehyun's face bright red.

Beomgyu came back with a bottle of chocolate syrup in his hand. "I had this in my closet if you want some- Tae? Why are you so red?"

Beomgyu's dad chuckled before ruffling Beomgyu and Taehyun's hair then leaving, Beomgyu still being confused af.

He shrugs it off and drizzles the chocolate syrup on his plate then munch on what is now like a s'more.

"Hey Taehyunie." Beomgyu starts.

"Hm?" He responds.

"You're like this marshmallow. Sweet and tiny!" Beomgyu giggles.

"Bruh, you're an inch taller than me." Taehyun huffs.

"You ruined my pickup line." Beomgyu frowns.

Taehyun just rolls his eyes. "Hey. I think your dad saw us this morning."

"Wha? How? I literally had my door closed and we literally had music playing on blast." Beomgyu stated.

"Hm, I dunno. You have security cameras in your room or something?"

"Do I?!" Beomgyu exclaimed.

They stay silent for a minute.

"Well anyways, I don't feel like leaving the house anymore. Can we cuddle instead?" Taehyun asks.

"Yeah, sure. Imma clean up first. How about you tell your family where you're at before they get worried since you didn't even come home yesterday." Beomgyu said.

"Oops, right." Taehyun then texted his mom and sister about where he has been.

After cleanup, Beomgyu takes Taehyun to his room and they head over to his closet to cuddle.

"You know, you're my favorite person in the world at this point."

"Me? Over your video games?" Taehyun held his hand up to his mouth.

"Yes, you are." Beomgyu said, shoving his face into Taehyun's warm neck.

They stay that way until they fall fast asleep, not even caring about the homework they had to complete before tomorrow.

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