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Beomgyu went to his room, sighing as he sat beside his sleeping mother.

"Mom, why can't we just leave him?" Beomgyu whispered to no one in general.

His father, the CEO of a company big enough to take over Korea, wasn't really a supportive husband.

As much as Beomgyu is spoiled by him, he couldn't say the same to his mom. (Idfk.)

He hates his father for what he does to his mother. The look she gives off in her eyes shows how much she loves and cares for him, but nothing could be returned.

You see, they were forced to be married. It was the only way Beomgyu's father could continue his dad's work as the CEO of that company.

(Ykw, I give up on explaining.)

Beomgyu grabbed his sweater and sneaked out his window. Next thing you know, he's back at Taehyun's house.

Not even close to ringing the doorbell, the door opens. Taehyun stood there with wide eyes.

"What are you doing here? Again?" Taehyun asked.

"Ah, I didn't wanna be home for a bit. Where are you going?" Beomgyu asked.

"The park. Wanna come along?"

"Yeah, of course."

The two silently walked over to the park. It was quite nice being outside around this time, it being 7pm at the time. The sky is slightly darker, a sunset coming.

"Were you bored, or did something happen at home?" Taehyun asked soon after to get rid of the silence.

"Mm, well.. I guess so, yeah." Beomgyu replied.

"You wanna tell me?" Taehyun asked again.

"I'll tell you at the park.." Beomgyu whispered, head low. Taehyun frowned a bit.

He slowly made his move and held Beomgyu's hand that was in his sweater pockets. The feeling made Beomgyu smile.

At the park, they found a nice tree to sit under as Beomgyu opened up.

"So.. I guess I'll tell you everything." Beomgyu said.

"All ears open." Taehyun replied, making Beomgyu chuckle.

"Hmm, where to start? Well, my dad is the CEO of korea's biggest company, yeah?"

"Mhm, continue."

"I was spoiled by him a lot, even at school. Kids knew about it so they'd become my friends, have me give them things, then leave.." Beomgyu whispers. "It wasn't a nice feeling, so one day I refused to be friends with someone. They really disliked that.. That same day, I was jumped and robbed of everything I had on me, be it money, clothes, backpack, anything." Beomgyu sighed.

"Ah.." Taehyun rubbed his back gently.

"I-I.. that guy.. he t-touched me in areas- I-I can't.." Beomgyu hid his face in Taehyun's shoulder. "I don't want to remember.. Taehyunie.."

"Shh, you can leave it at that.."

"N-no. You should know now."

"Hey, Beomie. You can take as long as you want to tell me. We'll be together for a long time, you know that, right?" Taehyun held his chin up to face him.

Beomgyu just nods. Tears were piled in his eyes but not falling.

Without a second thought, Beomgyu leaned up and kissed Taehyun's cheek.

They just smiled at each other, still as quiet as ever, but a comforting silence is the way to go, you feel?

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