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After hours of being at the park, it was already dark. Taehyun ended up staying over at Beomgyu's to comfort the other. He wanted him to stay.

"You sure it's ok? Your parents don't mind?" Taehyun asked the other once more to double check.

"Yes, Tae. They won't mind you over." Beomgyu replied with a sigh. They went through this over and over again during the walk back home.

"Just making sure.." he responds.

They were now inside Beomgyu's room after climbing back through his window. Gotta make sure his dad is nowhere in sight.

Beomgyu's mom was still sleeping in his bed. This is what always comes whenever his dad is home. He always has his mom sleep in his room so she doesn't have to deal with his dad as they used to sleep in the same room even though they didn't work out. It ended with fighting and Beomgyu blasting music over his headphones to tune it out.

And that is why Beomgyu has a spare mattress that he uses whenever it comes to this. But this time, since Taehyun is with him, he took the mattress into his huge walk in closet.

They were gonna spend the night in his closet so when his mom wakes up, she wouldn't be surprised to see Beomgyu and Taehyun sleeping in the same mattress in the middle of Beomgyu's big ass room.

"You have a really nice closet too.." Taehyun whispered.

"Shh, you literally have the same one." Beomgyu stated.

"Yeah, but you actually decorated it while mine is super plain." Taehyun argues.

It was true. Beomgyu had nice white drapes where the door to his closet. The door of course was still there so he could lock his closet door.

The walls were painted like a galaxy with cute stars with smiley faces on them. Beomgyu is an artist, for that fact. Even the door was painted from the outside. He had a few posters up as well of different characters of video games.

There were lights of course.  Taehyun had the same lights since they live in the same neighborhood and have the same exact house and closet and stuff. A line of circular lightbulbs were on the side of the walls. They lined up all around the top. As Taehyun's were purely white, Beomgyu made it so it color changes. Any color he wanted like LED lights.

It was all on an app on his phone that he created. The lights were also created by him.

Anyways, Beomgyu carefully placed the mattress in the middle of his closet. He then shoved a bunch of blankets and pillows on top for them to use.

The two then went on top and settled in. Taehyun quickly wrapped his arms around Beomgyu and shoved his face into his neck, inhaling the sweet scent Beomgyu had.

"You smell amazing.." Taehyun mumbled into Beomgyu's neck before falling fast asleep from exhaustion.

Beomgyu uncontrollably smiled super wide at the sudden comment.

It is nice, how people had this certain smell to them. Sadly, people can't smell themselves the way you do, making them think they don't smell like anything until they start to stink from being sweaty or something. Then they find themselves stinky. Though, that's exactly the way you would find yourself as well.

But having someone to tell you, "you smell amazing," is in fact, a very pleasant feeling.

And that is exactly how Beomgyu feels at the moment. That feeling lingers the entire night until the moment he finally joined Taehyun in the sleeping state.

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