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The weekend has passed. All weekend, Beomgyu and Taehyun had been playing random multiplayer games on either Taehyun's Xbox, Switch, and PC.

Sometimes it would be their phones because sometimes they'd be in the car.

"Taehyun-ah~ I don't want Beom-ah to leavee!" Mihyun exclaimed dramatically, clinging onto Beomgyu as if her life depended on it.

"Ehh! He's my friend not yours!!" Taehyun exclaimed, pulling onto his friend's arm to get her off him.

Beomgyu just giggled at the two siblings fighting over him. Over the weekend, he got to know more about both Mihyun and Taehyun.

"Gahh! Gyu~ She's tryna steal you away from mee!" Taehyun pouts. "Don't leave me Beomie!!" He faked a sob.

"Shhh, Hyunie~ I'd never leave you~ You're my number one!" Beomgyu chuckles.

"Gasp- I am hurt." Mihyun dramatically looked away. "I have been betrayed.."

"Oh shut up, Miyunie. We knew he'd choose me over you any day." Taehyun huffed.

"Hehe, yeah I know. I'm just kidding with ya'll." Mihyun giggles.

Beomgyu and Taehyun both join in on the laughter. Yeah, having Beomgyu over was quite fun.

"Hey kids. Beomgyu-ah, wanna have lunch with us before you leave?" Taehyun's mom called from the kitchen.

"Ah, yes please!" Beomgyu exclaimed. He would love to have lunch with them. Plus, it also means the more time he gets to stay with them.

"Alrighty, I'm making cream cheese sandwiches. They're almost ready so you three be prepared. In the meantime, why don't you guys choose out what to eat for dessert?" She says.

"Oh, ok!" Mihyun replied. "Then, I'll take the car."

"Alright, have fun you three." And with that, Mihyun took the car keys and brought Beomgyu and Taehyun with her.

"So, what we thinking? Donuts?" Mihyun asked.

"Donuts." Beomgyu and Taehyun repeat in agreement.

Beomgyu had been craving donuts. First time they looked for dessert, they had Beomgyu choose at first. He chose donuts. Now they all have that donut addiction.

Driving over to the donut shop, Mihyun turned on the radio and suddenly everyone is hyped up as BigBang's 'Fantastic Baby' is playing.

Once parked, Mihyun leaves the car and Taehyun and Beomgyu stay inside.

"Soo~ Question for you gamer boy. What would you think if we were together?" Taehyun asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Wha- Taehyunie!" Beomgyu exclaimed, flustered. "I-I mean, it's only been a few weeks since we met. That's a little early for that don't you think??"

"Not too early if I already count you as someone I'd never want to lose." Taehyun replied, smiling this sweet smile that reached his eyes.

"I.. I never want to lose you either." Beomgyu said. He was still feeling shy.

"I'll let you think, give me an answer if you'd like to go out with me, yeah?"

"S-sure.. i'll tell you soon.."

The car door opens, ruining their moment. "Alright, I'm back with the donuts. Chocolate for Tae, Glazed for Gyu, and strawberry for me~" she said, handing the two the bags of donuts.

They also get different donuts each day.

On the drive back home, Mihyun wondered why it was so quiet. She just shrugged it off though and continued the drive home.

Pulling up to the house, she suddenly says, "did something happen? You guys seem tense. Did Taehyunie here manage to confess his feelings?" Mihyun asked, smirking as she saw their flustered faces.

They all leave the car and as Mihyun locks the door, Taehyun says, "Yep." This leaves a shock on her face.

They enter the house to the smell of toasted bread. "We're back." Mihyun says.

"Ah, welcome back. You guys have a seat as I bring up this bagel I made specially for your dad." And with that, their mom leaves for the stairs.

The three sit down and eat their deliciously made cream cheese sandwiches. Thick cream cheese with vietnamese sausage and vietnamese pork roll between two slices of bread. Perfection.

When they finish, Mihyun washes the dishes because she's the last to finish.

And so, it was time for Beomgyu to leave.

"Bye bye, Gyu~ Get home safely!" Mihyun said.

"Imma miss having you here.. see you at school tomorrow!" Taehyun exclaimed, giving Beomgyu a hug.

"Bye guys! I'll see you tomorrow." He smiled. "And, I made up my mind. I will go out with you, Taehyunie."

Taehyun smiled as well. He waved Beomgyu goodbye as he walked out the door.

Once the door closed, Beomgyu's smile turned into a frown.

Now he had to deal with whatever he was avoiding at home.

He slowly made his way over to his house, sighing to himself as he spotted that same car in the same spot two days ago.

When entering, he flinched at the sound of glass breaking and his mom's whimpers.

He peaked over at where the sounds were made. There he saw his mom on the floor with a broken glass bowl scattered everywhere.

Quickly, he rushed to her side. "Mom, are you ok?" He asked.

"Ah, yes dear.. I'm just so out of it ever since.. he came home.." she whispered, looking up over at the stairs.

Beomgyu helped her clean up the shattered glass bowl before fixing her up. Her foot had a cut and she had a few cuts on her fingers as well.

He then brought her to his room and had her rest there. Once she was all nice and tucked in, he fixed his posture and went up the stairs.

There, the same guy from before was sitting on the sofa, watching the TV with his legs up on the table. He had the volume up really high and was just lounging there.

Beomgyu took a deep breath in before he spoke. "Hello, father." He said.

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