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Beomgyu and Taehyun had brought the evidence they have taken to the police station.

They got scolded at first for going back in the house, but was then respected when they showed them the evidence they found.

"You guys should be detectives when you're older." The head chief praised, giving each of them a pat on the back.

Taehyun and Beomgyu smile at each other. They bow towards the chief before taking their leave, all the way back to Taehyun's house.

The second they got there, it was the time Beomgyu could finally grieve over his parents. He broke down crying the moment he reached Taehyun's room. Taehyun did everything he could to comfort his boyfriend.

Words could not help a dead man. Hugs couldn't help either. Nothing could help Beomgyu's father come back to life.

Only way Beomgyu could feel better was if he moved forward. That being said, it would take quite a while, but it is possible.

The two were cuddled up in Taehyun's bed now. Neither of them could take their mind off of Beomgyu's mother either, wondering if she was ok.

"Beomie.." Taehyun called out, getting a hum in response. "I'm sorry.."

"Why are you sorry? It's not your fault things like this happen to me.." Beomgyu whispers.

"I know.. I just wish I could do something about it.." Taehyun frowns. Beomgyu chuckles and lifts Taehyun's chin up.

"Hey, don't be upset." Beomgyu kissed his nose.

"How can I not be upset? My Beomie is upset.." Taehyun shoves his face into Beomgyu's neck.

"Yea, Beomie is upset.. but I will be even more upset if my Taehyunie is upset because of me!" Beomgyu exclaimed, pouting.

"Whaa- you can't say thatt!" Taehyun looks up at him.

"Hm, then there's only one thing that won't make me feel upset anymore." Beomgyu states.

"And.. what's that?" Taehyun questions.

Beomgyu pretends to think for a bit before biting Taehyun's chin.

"Ah! That hurt bruh." He rubs his chin to relieve the pain.

"Heh, I feel much better now." Beomgyu then hugged Taehyun tighter. "But for real, you being with me is already making me feel better." He sincerely says.

And so, the two drift off into a deep slumber as it is literally 3am and they only just went to sleep. These dummies then wake up late.. on a Thursday!

And guess what? They are now rushing themselves to get to school because even though they just solved half a murder case they still have grades to keep up to graduate and leave hell.

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