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Beomgyu woke up. He felt something hard as he held onto his body pillow- wait, he's at Taehyun's house.

He opened his eyes wide as he stared at the person next to him, arms all over Taehyun's nicely defined abs.

Quickly he got off the bed, blushing so much it went up to his ears. How did he get in bed with him? No idea.

Remembering why he stayed the night in the first place, Beomgyu quickly went downstairs and into the kitchen.

After some time, Taehyun awoke to chatter in the kitchen, as well as something cooking. He slowly got up and went down.

The kitchen was a mess. That's all he could think of at that moment. "What the heck happened here."

"Ah Taehyunie!" Beomgyu exclaimed. "I made you breakfast!" Taehyun blinked a few times, finally remembering the night before. Beomgyu slept over to make him breakfast :0

"You.. are you gonna clean this up after?" He asked pointing to the sink of piled bowls and pans as well as the flour just covered on top of the counter.

"Well yes of course. Now come sit, your sister is already eating my nommie yummy pretzel dogs." Beomgyu exclaimed, holding out the plate of pretzel dogs he prepared just for Taehyun.

He even made this sauce that was ketchup, black pepper, and honey mustard all mixed together.

Now how could Taehyun refuse to eat this godly prepared meal from his new gamer friend?

Within the first bite, Taehyun's eyes teared from the deliciousness of these pretzel dogs. They were the bomb. "These are super good, Beomie." He smiled.

"Yay!! Ok I'm gonna clean while you two finish eating." Beomgyu said then went to clean the dishes.

Taehyun looked over at Mihyun. She was feeling happy, a lot better than yesterday.

"How are you feeling, Miyunie?" Taehyun quietly asked.

"Oh, I'm doing alright now. Beomgyu here gave me a nice speech on why my relationship with my online date didn't workout. It made me feel quite better when he said that sometimes people are just toxic and might not seem like the person they were when just texting on the phone. He also said I would find a better person in the future, which I hope came sooner." Mihyun chuckled at the last part.

Taehyun looked over at Beomgyu, watching him do them dishes carefully. And once finished he moved to cleaning the counter. Beomgyu's amazing.

After finishing up the pretzel dogs, Taehyun takes him and his sister's dirty plates and washes them himself.

"I'll be in your room." Beomgyu says, climbing up the stairs.

Taehyun's sister just sat in her spot at the table on her phone.

When Taehyun finished, he went up to his room to see Beomgyu just lying on his bed also on his phone. He smirked and quickly ran up to him, jumping on Beomgyu's tummy which made him go oof.

"Heyy! I wasn't ready for that." Beomgyu pouts.

"Meh, anyways when are you going home?" Taehyun asked. Beomgyu just shrugs.

"To be honest, I could probably end up staying the night all weekend." Beomgyu stated. With that statement in mind, Taehyun grabbed two controllers from under his TV table, as well as his xbox console.

"Then, let's play a few games, shall we?" Taehyun asked. Beomgyu smiles with a nod.

And with that, they play multiplayer shooting games until the end of the day.

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