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The two made it to their first classes on time.

"Choi Beomgyu! Why are you late?!" The teacher exclaimed. "You are lucky it's your first time otherwise I would have given you a pass to the office!"

Beomgyu felt awful though. He couldn't handle stares from his classmates, and he definitely couldn't handle being the center of attention.

"Sorry.." he mumbled before quickly taking his seat. Eyes were still on him, making him slouch in his seat.

"Ok, it's alright. Eyes up everyone, we will continue the lesson." Beomgyu sighed of relief when everyone looked away.

Meanwhile with Taehyun.

"Taehyun? This is a first. Welcome to class, I suppose." The teacher said.

"Yeah, sorry I was late. Kinda overslept. Then I walked my boyfriend to class." He explained.

"I get it. You two must've been really tired after what happened last night." Teacher said.

Taehyun furrowed his eyebrows. "And what exactly happened last night?"

"Oh. Not sure.." Teacher said suspiciously.

Taehyun stood there in silence for a while. He nods and takes his seat, processing what he just heard.

For the entirety of the class, he just thought about what the teacher said. Had she'd known what happened to Beomgyu's family?

"That's a bit sus.." he mumbled to himself, staring directly at the teacher.

The bell rings to indicate the next class.

He went up to his teacher and told her what happened for some answers. "I kinda overslept so I was late to my last class.. its my first time, haha."

"Ah, that makes sense coming from what happened last night." She replied.

"And what happened last night?"

"Nothing. I just assumed you guys had a one night stand or something."

"You guys?" He raised a brow. 'One night stand..'

"Uh, never mind.."

Yeah, he never mentioned being with Beomgyu that time.

After that class, Taehyun made sure to go straight to Beomgyu. He had to keep him safe. Someone tried to poison him and he did not trust the school anymore. Not after what the teachers said.

"Beomgyu!" Taehyun called out. The two were at lunch now.

"Yes?" He questions, ready to take a bite out of his sandwich.

Taehyun grabs the sandwich and examines it carefully. Nothing. "Ok, you can eat this. But you will not believe what I heard this morning."

"Hm? Uh, what is it?" Beomgyu questioned. He takes a bite of his sandwich and looks at it carefully, suspicious after what Taehyun just did, then spits the bitten piece in his mouth out.


"Nothing, keep going.."

"Ok, so I think my english and science teacher have this evil plan to poison you!" He exclaimed in a whisper.

Beomgyu stared at him wearily. "And.. how do you know this?"

"They knew we were together last night!"

Beomgyu just shrugged.

"Don't you get it? They probably were the ones that killed your dad and poisoned your mom! Or they're a part of it!" Taehyun explained.

"Oh.. I mean maybe? I don't think two random teachers would do that..?"

"Just trust me! I am never wrong." Taehyun states.

"Sure you aren't."

"Trust me!!"

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